Aaron and Theo

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Part 2

John's P.O.V

We get to the amusement park and the girls are waiting for us in the front. They all have their arms crossed and a stern face.

"Took y'all long enough." Peggy says.

"We got caught up in traffic." I say.

"Uh huh. If traffic means taking another route, then sure." Eliza says. I just smile and shrug my shoulders.

"Alright, enough of this. Let's go in." Hercules says. Everyone follows him inside. We pay for our tickets and we're in.

"Let's do this roller coaster!" Lafayette says. We all follow him into the line, Alexander and I in the middle.

"Are you nervous?" I ask him. He shakes his head, but he keeps looking at the coaster.

"Nah. I'll be good. Just hold my hand the whole time." I smile and I grab his hand.

"Of course."


We get off the roller coaster and everyone is laughing at how Hercules screamed the most.

"Hey! I haven't been on a coaster in a long time."

"And I've never been on a coaster!" Alexander and Lafayette say at the same time. They high five each other. "It's an immigrant thing." Laf says.

"Oh my gosh, stop tormenting me." Hercules says, covering his ears with his hands. He walks faster than the rest of group and we just keep laughing.

"Look! Bumper cars!" Peggy points out with Maria's hand.

"Let's do it." Angelica says. We all stand in the line and I feel hands on my shoulder. I turn around and I see Peggy.

"John, be my partner." I shrug my shoulders. I kiss Alex real quick before I go to Peggy and Maria goes with Alexander.

"What's good Peggy?"

"Everything. I probably shouldn't tell you this because you'll tell the guys..."

"Okay, now you have to tell me cause you brought it up."

"Okay, but you have to swear you won't tell anyone." I pretend to seal my lips and she reaches up to my ear.

"Theo is gonna propose to Aaron!" She says. My heart stops a little and I widen my eyes at her.

"Wait wait wait. When did you guys discuss this?"

"Today. Right now. In the car."

"Oh my gosh, this isn't good."

"Wait, why do you say that? They're meant to be married!"

"No, not that. It's just, we went off the path to get a ring because Aaron's gonna propose to Theo." Peggy's eyes widen and she laughs.

"Well shit. This is gonna be fun, huh."

"Yup." We move up in the line and we all get cars to get in. Peggy and I squeeze into one and we wait until the instructor tells us what to do.

"Alright. I'm gonna come around to check that everyone is buckled." He walks around to check all of us and he goes back to the operating section.

"Alright. Have fun!" He flips the switch and I'm able to push the gas pedal. Peggy and I start moving and she lets out a laugh.

"Steer!" I say. She grabs the steering way and she starts to swerve left and right. She sees Hercules and Lafayette and she steers in their direction while I just keep holding the gas pedal. We bump into them and they both gasp.

"Oh no. You guys are gonna have it!" I quickly switch to the back pedal and we go back so fast that we bump into someone else. We both turn around and we see Angelica and Eliza.

"Gotcha!" Eliza says.

"Not fair!" Peggy says.


I carry two trays of pizza while Peggy carries the other two. We place them in front of the gang and they immediately start to dig in.

"Why is pizza better when you've been doing fun things all day?" Angelica asks.

"Um, chasuse it majes it betcher." Peggy says behind a full mouth.

"Peggy, chewing exists." Eliza says with a face of disgust.

"Any plans for spring break?" Alexander asks.

"Alex, that's two months away." Aaron says.

"All the more reason why you guys should be preparing." I scoff as I bite into my pizza.

"I'm gonna go back to France for a week. See my family." Lafayette says.

"Bring me a baguette." Herc says.

"You could get that here, but okay."

"I think our father is coming down for a visit." Angelica says.

"I'm probably gonna do nothing." Herc says and we all laugh.

"Aaron? Theo?"

"I don't know." They both say. They've been kind of quiet the whole day and I can only imagine why. They're both trying to figure out how they should propose to the other one. I just want to shake both of them and say 'Just Do It!'

"Maybe look at apartments or something. We've been talking about it for a while." Theo says.

"We've been talking about a lot of things for a while." Aaron says and laughs nervously.

"Oh yeah totally, like-"


"Yeah. That." Theo says.

"Of course, like if we wanted to get engaged right now-"

"We totally could." Theo cuts him off and they both look at each other.

"We could do it right now."




"So! Do it already! One of you!" Peggy says. Maria covers her mouth and Peggy's voice is muffled.

"Theodosia, will you marry me?"

"That depends. Aaron, will you marry me?"


"Then yes." We all clap and cheer as they share a sweet kiss. Aaron pulls out the ring box from his coat pocket and Theo gasps.

"You got me a ring?"

"I was gonna propose today, but this is not how I imagined it."

"I was gonna propose too!" They both laugh and they share another kiss. Lafayette stands up and claps the loudly.

"Yes! Yes! Romance!"


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