An Unexpected Meeting

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Disclaimer : Even though I wish they were mine, these characters belong to JK Rowling.


Chapter 3

"Lily, are you not ready yet?"

"Coming, Mum." Lily said, picking up her wand from the bedside table.

Mrs. McKinnon had flooed to Lily's house some time ago to take Lily to her house.

"Mum, please don't forget the letters." Lily said before hugging her mother goodbye.

"I won't. I'll send it to you as soon as they arrive. Happy?" Mrs. Evans asked.

"Very." Lily said, beaming.

"I'll take the trunk, dear." Mrs. McKinnon said.

"Thank you." Lily said and stepped into the fireplace. She waved at her mother and in a flicker of green flames she was gone.

Mrs. McKinnon arrived just after Lily.
"Marlene?" Lily asked as Mrs. McKinnon stepped out of the fireplace.

"Sleeping. Do you want me to wake her up?" Mrs. McKinnon asked.

Lily grinned. Perfect.
"No. I'll do that." she said, before running up the stairs to Marlene's bedroom.

She tiptoed to Marlene's room and opened the door slowly. Making sure not to make any noise, she slipped into the room.
Marlene was lying face down on her bed, her hands and legs splayed out. Lily crept up slowly and grinning evilly, she kicked Marlene right out of her bed.

"Ow! Who thought it'll be funny to kick me?" the blonde screamed, her voice muffled by the rug. Lily was laughing hysterically, doubled over, holding on to the edge of the bed.

Marlene pulled herself up and turned around. Her eyes widened when she saw Lily.
"Oh, you will regret that, Evans."

Lily sprinted out of the room, before Marlene could react.


"So you don't know who this guy is?" Marlene asked after Lily had told her about Harry.

"No. I only know his name."

"Hmm.." Marlene said, tasting another Every Flavour Bean.

"Mum's promised to send the letters to me. And I'll send my letters to her and she'll post it." Lily said.

"So..." Marlene stopped abruptly as though she just remembered something. Her eyes darted to the clock on the wall.

"Oh no. I forgot to tell you --" But before she could finish the sentence the door bell rang. Marlene shot out of the chair, eyes wide.

"Lily-please-don't-hate-me-the-Marauders-are-coming." she said in one breath.

"What?" Lily asked. Before she could decipher what Marlene had said, the door to the balcony opened and Sirius Black strutted in.

"Marly!" he said, throwing his arms around Marlene and squeezing the life out of her.

"Get. Off. Me. Black." Marlene said, gasping for air and trying to push him off. "Can't. Breathe."

Sirius let go off his death grip and stepped back. With his almost six feet height, long dark hair, high cheekbones and stormy grey eyes, Sirius Black was effortlessly handsome.

He turned around and his eyes fell on Lily. He turned back to the door, grinning.
"Prongs!!" he shouted, "come here right now. There's a surprise for you."

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