Definitely Not A Date

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Disclaimer : If you think I own Harry Potter, then you really need to get a reality check my dude.


Chapter 34

Marlene stared at Lily. Lily stared back.

"You look like a stay at home mum with two kids and a dog."

That was the first thing out of Marlene's mouth when she woke up and saw what Lily was dressed in.

Lily looked down at her clothes. She was wearing a simple sheer black blouse with a black spaghetti top inside and a plain green skirt that reached mid calf. Her dark red hair was tied back in a loose ponytail with a green ribbon.

"Exactly the look I was trying for."

"Where are you even going this early in the morning?" Marlene asked. Lily looked pointedly at the clock that read 9:55 but Marlene ignored her judging look.

"I'm going to Hogsmeade." Lily said, turning back to the mirror and thinking whether or not to put on makeup. She decided to keep it simple and just put on a bit of lip gloss and mascara. "With James."

"You're going on a date?" Marlene squealed, jumping down from the bed, suddenly fully energetic.

Lily turned around to look at Marlene, almost poking herself in the eye with the mascara brush at Marlene's extra reaction. "It's not a date."

Marlene frowned, slowly walking over towards Lily like a crime investigator on a mission. "What do you mean it's not a date?"

Lily shrugged. "It means it's not a date. Simple as that."

"Aren't just the both of you going?" Marlene questioned. Lily nodded, searching through Mary's dressing table for lip gloss. "Then why isn't it a date?"

"It's just not." Lily said, brushing down her skirt and looking at the full length mirror in the dorm one more time. She wouldn't say she looked bad. Just a bit older than her age.

"Whatever you say, this counts as a date." Marlene said, still stubborn. "And I can't believe you're wearing that on your first date with James."

"First thing." Lily said, holding up her index finger. "I'm wearing this so that I don't look like a student and get caught while in Hogsmeade. And second thing." She held up another finger. "It's definitely not a date"

"Sure." Marlene said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. Lily decided to ignore her and grabbed her purse and wand from the table. After an exaggeratedly cheerful goodbye to Marlene and a promise to meet her in the library and tell her every single detail of the day, she left the dorm, going down the stairs to the common room where James was waiting.

"You copied me." Lily said when she saw James wearing a green flannel shirt and black jeans, which was the colour of her outfit inverted.

"I could say the same about you." James replied shrugging.

Lily did a dramatic twirl, almost tripping over her feet. She could see James trying to hold back a laugh. "How old do I look?"

James pretended to look her up and down, frowning. "Not too old." he said shaking his head, "Maybe sixty five. No that's too much. Sixty two."

Lily faked being offended and hit his arm playfully but he only laughed in reply.

"You look alright." he said, holding his arm out, "So shall we leave, Miss Evans?"

Lily linked her arm with his, trying hard not to start laughing at how ridiculous the both of them looked. "We shall, Mr. Potter."


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