Special Chapter : Interview With The Characters

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Q : Isn't James's middle name Fleamont? (by @ Nessie_Of_Hufflepuff)

James: Actually, no. Fleamont is my dad's name. My middle name is Charlus and I was named after my great uncle Charlus Potter. He married Sirius's great aunt Dorea and that's how we're related.

Lianna: He's lying. It's actually Fleamont. He's just embarrassed to admit it.

James: No! That's not true. My middle name is Charlus. Go away, Lianna. Stop spreading rumors.

Lianna: You wish, Potter. Like I'm gonna listen to you.

Q : How are you so good at Quidditch? (by @ ameryember01)

James: Well, I think it's something I inherited from dad. Or maybe it's because I've been playing since I was three. Lots of credit goes to all those at Hogwarts who trained me.

Q : Why are you so cute? (by anonymous)

James: Aww man, I think I'm blushing. Thanks for the compliment and I guess you better ask this question to my parents as it's all because of their awesome genes. Yes, I know science. Don't be too surprised.

Q : Why did you have to die? (by @ sassqueen110)

James: What do you mean die? I'm alive aren't I? Or am I not? Sirius, do you think I'm alive?

Sirius: He's finally lost it, isn't he? I knew all those sugar quills are going to affect his brain some day.



Q : When will you forgive Severus? (by @ ameryember01)

Lily: I did think of forgiving him many times. It's just that he always does something that makes me doubt my decision. I might have forgiven him for calling me that. But I'll never forgive him for joining a cult that is against people like me.

Q : When will you admit that you like James? (by @ Vannila_Icecream)

Lily: Wellll, I've already admitted it to myself, which in itself is a big step. And Marlene knows too. And as for James knowing it, I think it needs to wait. We've only just started talking properly and need some time to figure everything out. Maybe, hopefully, I'll tell him some day.



Q : Why are you so good looking? How on earth do you come up with such awesome comebacks? (by @ ameryember01)

Sirius: Ah yes, the much awaited question. Why am I so good looking? To be honest, I don't really know. I'd just say it's mere good luck. I just happened to be God's favorite piece of art, not that I'm complaining. And as for the comebacks, it's a natural talent and some people *cough* Marlene *cough* inspire the inner sass master in me.

Q : When will you ask out Marlene? (by @ Vannila_Icecream)

Sirius: Ask out WHO? Marlene as in Marlene Mckinnon? Nah mate, I'd like to keep whatever is left of my sanity. I can't handle her now and she'll drive me up the wall if she was my girlfriend.

Q : Why so Sirius? (by @ Vannila_Icecream)

Sirius: I appreciate the pun. I shall now assign you as my disciple who will carry on the legacy of amazing puns.

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