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Disclaimer: Me owning Harry Potter? In this economy? No chance, brother. (pls tell me someone got that reference)


Chapter 45

Lily so often found herself in the library at James's house that she was beginning to wonder if she had come there with the sole intention of reading every book in the vast collection.

She walked along the aisles. There were so many books of every different genre that Lily was amazed that the Potter family owned all of them. Though nothing could rival the Hogwarts library, Lily was convinced that this one could be a close second.

Hearing footsteps approaching her, she turned around to see Sirius. She smiled at him but continued walking as she pulled out random books.

"Your mum has quite a big collection." she commented as she placed the book that was currently in her hand back on to the shelf. Sirius followed her close behind.

"She loves books." he replied, "As much as you do. She has this habit of buying two books every month to add to her collection."

Lily nodded as she placed a copy of Great Expectations back where she had taken it from. She made sure not to clutter and disturb the organized way Mrs. Potter had arranged her books.

"That's why we always give her books as gifts for Christmas and birthdays." Sirius added, "Sometimes when I look at you, I feel like you'll be exactly like her when you grow older."

Lily laughed as she stopped walking and turned around to face him. "Not a chance. She's like the literal definition of a perfect lady. Elegant, graceful and poised. I'm nowhere close to that."

Sirius only smiled in return, as if he knew something she didn't. It was a look she had seen on him many times. "You never know, Flower. Maybe someday you'll marry Prongs and realize that I was right all along."

"Do you realize how ominous you sound sometimes?" Lily asked, an amused twinkle in her eyes, "It's like you can predict future or something."

"I can." Sirius said immediately, faking to be offended that she would ever assume otherwise, "Divination is one of my lesser known talents. I'm a seer of sorts. So when my prediction comes true and you marry James, I get to name the kids."

Lily laughed again, forgetting every worry for a while. Sirius had that effect on people. He was like a happy pill, spreading sunshine and joy everywhere he went, no matter what he himself was going through. "Sorry to disappoint you, bud. Someone else already claimed that right."


Lily smiled as she remembered how Harry insisted that he gets to name their kids, if she was to marry Mr. Darcy. "Just someone. You don't know them."

Sirius didn't bother questioning her about it. He only paused for a while as he stared fondly at her until realization struck. "Ah, I forgot. I came here to tell you that our Hogwarts letters came."

Lily's face lit up at that. "Really?"

"Yeah, I'm sure your letter has the headgirl badge. It was heavier."

Lily quickly kept the book in her hand, which happened to be Jane Austen's Emma, back in the rack and followed Sirius out of the library.

Only if she had bothered to open that book, only then would she have discovered something rather interesting.


"No way." Lily breathed as she stared at the badge placed on her open palm. She couldn't believe that she had gotten the position of Hogwarts Head Girl. Sure, she had wanted it and thought there was a chance. But she never thought she'd actually get it.

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