Crystal Orbs And Tea Cups

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Disclaimer : I own nothing but my crazy imagination.


Chapter 10

"I have no idea why I'm still taking this subject." Lily said as she climbed up the narrow ladder to the Divination class.

"I don't know why you're taking the subject" Marlene said, "But I'm taking it because I can fool that woman and get marks."

"Seriously though" Mary said, "She'll believe me even if I just spouted random nonsense staring into the tea cup."

Lily sat down on a table with Mary and Marlene joined Amelia at the table to their right. James and Sirius were sitting on the table to Lily's left.

"Good morning, children." Professor Cassandra (who for some weird reason liked to be called by her first name) said.

"I hope you all had some good time with your families."

The professor smiled and walked around the class room, assigning different tasks to the students. Lily and Mary were supposed to do Crystal gazing.

Lily turned to her left and saw the professor standing near James's table where Sirius was trying to read James's palm.

"Is this the life line, professor?" Sirius asked, pointing at James's hand. Lily knew Sirius was just pretending and waiting for the professor to move to another table so that he can start planning his next prank.

"No, dear" Professor Cassandra said, "It's this one here." She stared at James's hand for a while. "And it's rather short."

She turned her misty silver eyes to James's face. "Something that you've wanted for a while is coming closer to you. But be careful, dear. It will change your life."

Sirius rolled his eyes. The professor walked over to Lily's table.

"Did you see anything, Miss Evans?" she asked pointing at the crystal ball.
Lily didn't reply.

"Let me see." she said, taking the seat next to Lily.

"There's a fork in the path. You'll have to make a very important decision in the future. A decision that will affect the lives of many people."

Lily shuddered slightly at the woman's mysterious tone. She looked at the crystal ball which was once again filled with white smoke.


If Lily hated one thing more than mornings it was making difficult decisions. And from what the professor had said, it was some very important decision that could affect many people.

But do you really believe in this?

For once, that voice inside Lily's head was saying something sensible. She didn't believe in Divination. Why was she worried then? She was taking the subject only to keep her career options open, not to listen to the old professor's baseless predictions.

A sharp intake of breath from the next desk snapped Lily out of her thoughts.

"I'm so sorry, dear." the professor said, patting Marlene's shoulder.

"What's wrong, professor?" Alice asked. Marlene looked completely uninterested in whatever the professor was talking about.

"It's just.... " the professor pointed at the crystal orb in front of Marlene. "The Grim".

There was a collective gasp from most of the people in the classroom.

"What's that?" Mary asked.

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