Treehouse Tales

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Disclaimer: No disclaimer 'cause I own all of this. Go ahead and sue me. (I'm kidding, please don't)


Chapter 41

"Lily!" Marlene said walking into Lily's room, "Aunt Mia is calling you."

Lily looked away from the window. "What?"

"She wants to show you something." Marlene looked way too excited with a smile that screamed trouble.

"If this is another one of Sirius's pranks, I'm killing you." Lily said, remembering the time she had to wash out melted cheese from her hair after one of Sirius and Marlene's prank wars.

Nevertheless, Lily followed Marlene down to the sitting room where she saw Mrs. Potter holding what looked like photo albums - with moving photos.

"I was cleaning out the cupboards when I found these." Mrs. Potter said, pointing at the albums, "James will be mad if he finds out that I showed you these."

She paused and her hazel eyes shined mischievously, a lot like how her son's did just before his infamous antics.

"Which is all the more reason to show you."

Lily didn't need to think twice to understand which parent James inherited his talent for trouble from.

She settled down next to Mrs. Potter on the couch and opened one of the albums. The first photo was of James and Marlene when they were barely an year old.

"His hair's always been like this." Lily noted, amused.

"It was complete chaos when he was small." Mrs. Potter said, smiling fondly, "He wouldn't even let me brush it."

Lily chuckled, breezing through the photos. She stopped when she saw the same photo she had seen in the hallway. James looked like he was five years old, wearing a white tux, his hair as messy as ever. Next to him was a doll in a creamy white wedding dress, it reached barely till his shoulder. James was smiling giddily, waving at the camera.

Lily turned to ask Mrs. Potter about the photo but froze when she saw James himself standing behind them, arms crossed across his chest, eyes narrowed at the photo in Lily's hand.

Mrs. Potter and Marlene were laughing at some other pictures.

"Um... Mrs. Potter?"

"Yes, dear?"

Lily gestured to James who was now walking over towards them. Marlene froze mid-laugh and jumped off the couch.

"This was not my idea." she told James, which clearly said that it was indeed her idea.

"I'll deal with you later." James hissed at her before turning to Lily and snatching the photo from her hand.

Behind Lily, Mrs. Potter, who had been desperately trying not to laugh till then, burst out laughing at the look on her son's face.

"James?" Lily started, quite bravely even for her because he looked like a volcano waiting to erupt, "Why were you dressed like it's your wedding?"

James turned to Lily, a light pink rising in his cheeks before he sank down to the couch, burying his face in hands.

"Mum, I told you not to show these to anyone."

"Come on, James." Mrs. Potter said, barely holding in her laughter. She sat down next to James and lifted his face from his hands like he was still the five year old in the picture. Sometimes Lily really felt like he was. "Lily is your friend."

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