Upto No Good

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Disclaimer : I own nothing but my crazy mind and anxiety.


Chapter 32

James could feel the unsteady beat of his heart. It wasn't as fast as when he was on his broom, slashing through air as he chased after the quaffle. No, it wasn't that fast but it was enough to make the adrenaline rush through his veins and bring a crazy smile on his face.

He was behind the suit of armour next to the Charms class room, trying to hold in the laugh bubbling in the pit of his stomach. He had lost track of Sirius somewhere along but he wasn't worried about that. All he could think of was the look of pure shock on Filch's face before James took off running.

But as he tried to catch his breath, he heard footsteps approaching. It wasn't the heavy footsteps of the school caretaker. This was much lighter and softer. And it struck James who had such soft foot falls, like that of a cat.

Now the real panic took over. If Mcgonnagall found him, he was a goner. James was crap at lying and Mcgonnagall would see right through him. He could try to flirt his way out like Sirius always tried (and failed) but that would only land him with a double detention.

He held his breath, at least tried, but the heaving after he ran almost half the distance across the castle wasn't helping. James was sure he was going to get caught and was thinking of how to spend his time in detention when he heard the voice.


James Potter had never been more in love with Lily Evans than he was at that moment.

"Holy crap, Lily! You scared me." he said, eyes wide in shock? Relief? He didn't really know.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked, creasing her eyebrows together.

James sushed her before pulling her down to sit next to him.

"Don't talk if you don't want detention."

"What?" Lily whisper-yelled before yanking her hand out of his, "I'm leaving. Bye. I've no intention of getting in trouble with you of all people."

She had almost stood up when James pulled her back down. When she opened her mouth to protest, James placed his finger on her lips and motioned her to listen. It was the sound of footsteps again, but this time not as soft but heavy pounding footsteps as if someone was running towards them.

Lily's eyes widened as she peered around the suit of armour and saw Filch.

"I'm so going to get caught and I didn't even do anything." she whined, "All thanks to you."

She smacked him over the head with her Herbology textbook and he winced before pulling her out of Filch's view.

"Lily, do something." he said, desperately. He couldn't get caught now. Not when he had the map with him. Filch would turn his pockets out and find the map. He couldn't let their five year's hard work be snatched away like that.

"What the hell do you expect me to do?" she asked, already shaking from panic. She couldn't have her perfect detention-less school record be spoiled because of James freaking Potter. "And why don't you do something? Why me?"

"Because you're closer to the edge." he explained, "Or do you want me to lean over you?"

"No thanks." Lily said, trying to shift away from him but there wasn't enough space and if she moved any farther, Filch would spot her.

"Then do something."

"Do what?"

The lightbulb of wisdom flashed above James's head right then. "Confund him."

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