Good Luck

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Disclaimer : Not that you would think but just wanted to let you know that I still don't own Harry Potter.


Chapter 13

When Lily came down to the great hall on the day of the first qudditch match of the year, Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff, the hall was strangely silent.

Sirius, Marlene, Fabian and Gideon were huddled at the far end of the table, no doubt discussing strategies.
But Lily's attention was on James.

He was sitting next to Remus. There was a plate of untouched egg and cheese sandwich in front of him. The glass of milk next to the plate was full too.

"What happened to him?" Lily asked Peter.

"He's like this before every match." Peter said.

Lily turned back to James. Remus was trying to say something to him but James shook his head and waved him off.

The hall slowly started emptying as everyone moved to the qudditch stands. James remained in his seat. Remus and Peter wished him luck and walked away to the stands.

Lily took a deep breath.

Come on, Lily. It won't kill you.

She tapped James lightly on the shoulder and he turned to look at her. She leaned forward and saw his eyes widen just a tiny bit.

"Good luck, James." she whispered.

If Lily had a camera right then, she'd preserve the priceless expression on his face. He looked like he was about to choke on air. She smiled at him and turned around, making her way to the stands.


She froze in her steps.

Two can play at that game, Missy.

She turned around and saw him smiling brightly.

"Thank you, Lily." he said.


Her name rolled off his tongue like it was the most precious thing in the world. She was used to him calling her Evans. But she really, really liked the way he called her Lily.

"Come on, lads." he said to his teammates. "We have a game to win."

I didn't know a name could have such an effect.


"Bones passes to Abbott. Intercepted by Potter. Potter in possession of the quaffle."

Lily's breath caught in her throat. He was a few meters away from the goal post. Even from the distance, Lily could see the challenging smirk he threw at the Hufflepuff keeper.

"And Potter scores!!"

Lily jumped from her seat and cheered along with the her housemates.

"Gryffindor leading 160 to 30."

"What is up with James today?" Peter wondered aloud, "He was dying of nerves right before the match and he's already scored seven times."

"What did you tell him?" Remus asked Lily.

Lily feigned innocence. "What? I didn't do anything to your precious friend."

"Did you tell him anything before the match?"

"I said good luck. That's it."

Remus opened his mouth to say something else but was interrupted by the commentator.

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