Tag #3

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I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry it's not an update.

I was tagged by Astramine

Do you care about what others think of you?
If it is someone who means something to me then yes, otherwise no.

Middle name?
Don't have one.

Favourite sport?
Basketball? I don't really play sports anymore so idk.

Best friend?

Someone you couldn't live without?
Friends, family.

Favourite name/nickname others give to you?
One of my friends call me Lily because he thinks I'm way too much like Lily.

Are you cute or sexy?
Neither lol.

Preferred pronoun?
I guess this is in terms of writing. He/she. I don't really like using the I pronoun.

Have you been asked out?
Many times. Once in middle school, said yes and regretted it. Never said yes after that. Once more in school. I've lost count of times in college.

Do you believe in true love/ soulmates?
Yes. I love all those soulmate theories and stories. It's cute.

What are your top 3 pet peeves?

1. When people invade my personal space.

2. People who don't understand the point of a secret and try to guilt trip me into telling them stuff.

3. Cutlery scratching on plates.

Do you consider yourself to be an emotional person?
It depends on the situation.

Words you often say?
Depends on who I'm with but I think I use the word "like" a lot.

A picture of yourself
Sorry, can't post that so here's this cute bud instead.

Your favourite picture of another person

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Your favourite picture of another person

Couldn't pick between these two.

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Favourite hobby? Reading, kdramas

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Favourite hobby?
Reading, kdramas. My latest hobby is doing absolutely nothing and wallowing in self pity, wondering why life sucks.

Role model?
No one in real life but if it could be a fictional character, it would be Lily.

Who is the best person you know?
inachi (I tagged you twice, you better be grateful)

Celebrity and fictional crushes, many.

Real life crushes, I've had three till date. This one cute guy with hazel eyes in second grade. Then one in middle school and one in high school. Currently, I'm not sure if I have a crush but there's a possibility.

Tag 20 people


Again, I'm sorry because I just tagged random accounts.


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