Ruby And Emerald

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Disclaimer: If I had a dollar for everytime I had to say I don't own Harry Potter, I'd finally be able to buy HP franchise.


Chapter 44

Lily stared out of the window and towards the garden outside. Her gaze followed a falling leaf that had detached itself from the willow tree that stood at the far corner of Mrs. Potter's immaculately maintained garden. It was a beautiful sight, the exquisite garden decorated with varying range of flowers from hyacinths to carnations. Mrs. Potter seemed to have a keen eye for the floral aesthetics.

But even the visually pleasing sight couldn't keep Lily's mind from drifting. She hadn't been this worried in a while. But the momentary relief she had got from blocking out pessimistic thoughts was gone, leaving her even more anxious than before. The sense of security that Hogwarts gave her was fading and once again, Lily found herself lost in worry about the situation outside her protective shell.

During the school year, she had managed to keep herself distracted for most parts by focusing her thoughts on James. But now she couldn't help but think of the situation she had been avoiding for too long. There was a weird feeling in her mind, a sort of foreboding that had taken away her peace. A strange intuition that everything was too good and so something was bound to go wrong sooner or later.

She tried to force her thoughts away from the unpleasant feeling in her gut and to think of something else. She thought of the weird situation with Marlene and Sirius, about Harry from whom she hadn't heard in a while and finally to James where all the wanderings of her mind hit a dead end.

As if on cue, James plopped down on the couch next to Lily, nudging her with his elbow. "Hey, Lils."

Lily ignored him. Not because she had any reason to. She just wanted to piss him off. She fought back a smile at the thought of how fun it was to get him all worked up.

"Hey!" he said again, "Give me attention."

Lily rolled her eyes. "You're like Tinkerbell."

James frowned in confusion. "Who's that?"

She shook her head. Of course he wouldn't know. "Nevermind. What is your real reason for bothering me?"

"Remember when you asked me about my first love?"

She nodded slowly, feeling a twinge of hurt. It had been a long time ago but she still remembered it like it was yesterday. She wondered why it was that her mind always chose to remember moments with James more than with anyone else.

"And I told you I'll show you her?"

"Yeah." Don't feel bad. Don't show your jealousy.

"You wanna see her now?" he asked.

Lily's head snapped up. "What? She's here?" she asked, looking around but not seeing anyone else in the room.

"Not here." James said, shaking his head, "But if you come with me, you can meet her. Mum just told me she came back here after months."

Lily stood up at once, her jealousy overshadowed by curiosity. She had to see what was so special about this person that she made James Potter fall for her. "Yeah I'll come with you."

James grabbed her hand and Lily didn't complain as he lead her out of the house.

"Where is she?" Lily asked, impatience evident in her voice.

"Someone is curious." James said in a sing-song voice before he came to an abrupt stop.

Lily stared at the back door of the study in front of her, which was left open. James smiled widely before calling out to Ruby. Lily wasn't surprised that she had remembered the name.

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