Think A Happy Little Thought

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Disclaimer : *cue the dramatic music* All these belong to JKR. And since I didn't have time to think of a creative way to say that, I'll just leave it like that.


Chapter 20

Remus closed his eyes, wand held at shoulder level in front of him. He knew he could do it. He had done it before. And he knew exactly which memory to use.

"What does this mean, Remus?" James asked, waving the parchment in front of Remus's face.

"What is that?" Remus asked, looking closely at what looked like a chart.

"The lunar chart." Peter said, his voice timid, visibly shaking with fright.

Remus gulped and backed away towards his four poster. "What do you want?" he asked the other three boys.

"It's simple." Sirius said, "You just have to say yes or no. Are you a werewolf?"

Remus was shaking now. There was no way they could've found out. He knew the boys were smart but he had thought he could keep it a secret for some more time.

"Ye- yes." he said, "I was bitten when I was four."

He couldn't understand the expression on James and Sirius's face but Peter definitely looked like he expected Remus to pounce at him any moment.

This is it, he thought, this is the end of my life at Hogwarts. All this precautions and a group of twelve year old boys had found out his biggest secret.

"I knew you would find out." Remus said, his voice cracking, "And now you hate me. I knew this would happen."

And then he promptly burst into tears. He sat down on his bed, face buried in his hands as he sobbed. He almost jumped up in surprise when an arm wrapped around his shoulder. He looked up to see the boys staring at him in concern.

"We don't hate you, Remus. Why would you think that?" James asked.

"Because I'm a monster." Remus said, crying harder.

"You fold your socks, Remus." James said.

"Exactly." Sirius contributed, "What kind of a monster folds his socks?"

"But...but I'm a werewolf. They're scary." Remus pointed out, gesturing wildly with his hands.

"You're as scary as a pygmy puff." Sirius said as he sat down on Remus's other side and threw an arm over his shoulder.

Remus smiled through his tears. "So you guys don't have any problem?"

"Of course not. You're our friend and you'll always be." James said, "Right, Peter?"

Peter squeaked in response and the three boys attacked Remus in a bear hug.

"Expecto Patronum". Remus said concentrating on the smiling faces of his best friends. The silver wolf burst out of the end of his wand. There were cheers and shouts from everyone.

"Very good, Mr. Lupin." the professor said, "You were the first one to do it."

Behind Remus, the other Marauders snickered.

"What?" Remus asked them.

"The werewolf with the werewolf patronus." Sirius said, giggling like a five year old.

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