Glimpse Into The Unknown

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Disclaimer: The book is close to ending and I still don't own Harry Potter? Unbeliebubble.


Chapter 47

Ever since James and Lily had gotten a dorm to themselves, the others had taken to hanging out at the Heads dorms. It was their new leisure spot, not that either Lily or James was complaining. They loved the company, especially since the Head's dorms was so isolated from the rest of the castle.

Lily was reading the book James had gifted her the previous Christmas. He had been shocked to see that she still hadn't finished the book. The shock turned into understanding when Lily showed him the pile of unread books in her trunk which only kept increasing as her dad sent her a new book every month.

James, Remus and Peter were playing with Remus's set of Uno cards. It took Remus quite a lot of time to make the other two understand the rules of the muggle game until they got the hang of it.

"Peter, no!!" James wailed as he dramatically clutched his chest and fell over onto the crimson rug, "Don't do this to me. Don't betray me like this. I trusted you."

"I'm so sorry, James." Peter said apologetically as he placed a draw four card. James pouted as he picked four cards from the deck in front of them.

Remus was silently snickering next to them and from where she was sat, Lily could see that he only had two cards left and was most likely to win the round.

Sirius was sat at the other end of the dorm, on James's arm chair. He had something that looked like a dice in his hand and he seemed to be practicing some kind of spell on it. His long hair was kept away from his face with a red headband. For several moments, Lily sat marveling at how Sirius had prettier hair than half the girls at Hogwarts. It was enviable how he was gifted with all the good looking genes.

She went back to reading but was soon distracted as the portrait door opened and Marlene trudged inside, a bottle of chocolate milk in her hand. She sat down on the couch next to Lily and offered her the bottle. Lily shook her head no and went back to reading.

And sighed as she was disturbed yet again.

"Why do you always wear that shirt?" James asked Marlene as he pointed at the shirt she was wearing, "You don't even like Puddlemore."

Marlene shrugged as she sipped the chocolate milk nonchalantly. "I don't always wear it."

"You do." Lily said, agreeing with James, "It's pretty much your favourite shirt."

"Uh, no, nothing like that." Marlene mumbled as her fist clenched the hem of the shirt, "It just happens to be really comfortable."

"It doesn't even look like it's yours." James said as he eyed the shirt which hung loosely on Marlene's small frame. The sleeves went past her hands, creating sweater paws.

Lily observed silently as Marlene squirmed at James's incessant questioning. She seemed like she was contemplating how to get James to stop talking. Throwing the chocolate milk at him would have been effective but Lily knew Marlene loved chocolate milk too much to waste it on her annoying cousin.

"It must be Mark's or Michael's." she answered, "Why do you care anyway? It's not your shirt, if you think I stole it from you."

"Yeah, no shit." James replied with an eye roll, "Like I'd let you anywhere near my stuff."

Marlene stuck her tongue out at James who reciprocated the gesture. Lily shook her head at the two who seemed to be forever stuck at the age of five.

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