Eleventh Hour

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Disclaimer : Me having the ownership of Harry Potter has as much possibility as Sirius falling in love with Snape.


Chapter 35

"It's been going on for months and you're telling me now?" Marlene asked, unbelieving.

Lily nodded meekly, sinking in her chair as Marlene stared at her. Marlene wasn't exactly pissed at her, just disappointed that she found out something so important about her best friend so long after it started.

She was about to let go of the subject and continue when she remembered something that caught her attention in Lily's description of the hallucination she had.

Guitar. It couldn't be....

"Did you say guitar music?" Marlene asked, brows furrowed in thought. She was desperately hoping her assumption would be true.

"Yeah." Lily started, "But I'm not exactly-"

She was cut off as the door of the library opened, showing a very exhausted Peter. He was bent over, trying to catch his breath.

"Marlene." he called out weakly and both Marlene and Lily stood up, rushing to his side.

"Is something wrong?" Marlene asked immediately, "Is anyone hurt? Where's Sirius?"

Peter held up one finger, gesturing for a minute to calm down then stood up, taking a deep breath. "Sirius is alright. It's Fabian."

"What?" Lily asked, taking notes of Marlene's immediate panic, "What happened to Fabian?"

"He was hexed." Peter replied, "It's the Slytherins."

"What do you mean hexed?" Marlene asked loudly, quickly shushed by Madam Pince. Marlene mumbled a clearly insincere apology and turned back to him. "We have the next game this Saturday and he's our only seeker. Who hexed him? What happened?"

"I think it's better if you see for yourself." Peter said, "He's in the hospital wing."


"Do you know who did this?"

From the way his jaw was locked and the pulsing vein in his temple, Marlene could tell that James was trying his hardest to keep his composure. She couldn't blame him either. He had every right to be angry after the clearly unfair stunt that Slytherins pulled.

"No." Fabian said, his right hand was in a cast, "But I'm pretty sure it was one of the Slytherins. I saw his robe."

James turned away, eyes closed in annoyance.

"What did Madam Pomfrey say?" Lily, who was much more calm and collected than James, asked.

"She said she can't do anything until the curse is identified. Which only Dumbledore can do." Fabian said, looking dejectedly down at his injured arm, "And Dumbledore won't be coming back from Beauxbatons until next week."

Everyone gathered around was at various levels of disappointment and distress. All except one.

Sirius Black was fuming, his face turning red with anger. "I know. I just know Snape did this."

Remus, the ever sensible one, quickly analyzed the situation and moved next to Sirius, ready to hold him back if necessary. "Padfoot, I don't think you should jump to conclusions like that."

"I'm not jumping to any conclusions, Moony. I know it's him." Sirius said, "He's had it against the whole team since forever. Especially James. Now he grabbed the perfect opportunity and hexed our only seeker just so we would lose the final match against Slytherins. I'm going to show that absolute greaseball what fairplay is."

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