A Love Like Firewhiskey

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Disclaimer : I swear on all my love for BTS that I do not own anything related to Harry Potter.


Chapter 37

"This is the last day of our sixth year." James announced to everyone assembled in the common room who were Remus, Peter, Mary, Marlene, Lily, Alice, Andrew and Daisy.

"So, we've planned a party." Sirius added, rubbing his hands in glee.

James brought down bottles of Butterbeer and Firewhiskey from their dorm while Sirius pushed all the furniture to the edges of the room, making enough space on the floor for everyone.

That was how it all started.

Three hours later and Mary and Lily were the only ones left in their senses. Alice and Daisy had gone to bed long before the Firewhiskey bottles were opened. Remus was looking down at his hands, a small frown pulling his lips down, a shot glass of Firewhiskey in front of him. Peter was curled in a corner, hiccuping occasionally.

After breaking two empty bottles, Marlene had finally passed out, her legs across Sirius's lap and the rest of her body leaning on the leg of a chair. Lily had no idea how she managed to end up in such a position. Sirius was leaning back on his hands, his palms pressed to the floor, staring blankly at the ceiling. He looked so still and lost, Lily wondered if he was astral traveling.

To Lily's right, James was leaning on the couch, playing with the ends of her hair. She had swatted his hand away four times but stopped after she realized that he wasn't going to give up. He was just stubborn like that.

"I think we should sing." James exclaimed suddenly, letting go of Lily's hair, making everyone jump.

"James?" Lily said slowly, "Don't."

"Why not?" he asked pouting, "Wher's my guitar?"

"In the -hic- dorm." Peter chimed in, ever so faithful.

"I don' think tha's a good idea." Remus slurred, shaking his head.

"Hush, Moony. It's a bril- brillia- good idea." James said, struggling to get his wand out from his back pocket. He got it out after a few moments of rolling around on the rug and pointed it at the door of the boys' dorm.

"James, no." Mary said, feebly.

James totally ignored her. "Acci - Accio guitar."

Nothing happened. In his drunken state, he had of course forgotten that the incantation should be said with the proper wand movement.

"Oh screw it." he said, giving up and stuffing his wand back in his pocket, "I'll sing without the guitar."

It was hilarious how James Potter, 'too cool for school' Head Marauder couldn't hold his alcohol. Lily would have laughed but all humour had vanished when she realized that he was actually going to sing.

"Don't let me down. Don't let me down." James sang in an obnoxiously loud voice, "Nobody ever loved me like she does."

Before he reached the next verse, Lily clamped her hand to his mouth and pulled him back. She had forgotten that he's totally drunk and unsteady which resulted in him collapsing on her shoulder. She slumped a bit at the weight and pushed him off. But the moment she moved her hand he started singing again. She immediately pressed her palm back to his mouth.

"Shut up, James." she hissed, "Do you want to wake up the entire castle?"

He made a muffled noise but Lily was already helping him to his feet. She looked at Mary, who shrugged helplessly. Sighing, Lily dragged James up the stairs.

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