Missing Essays And Library Hideouts

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Disclaimer : I don't own any of these.

That's probably the weirdest title I've given to a chapter.

The gif above is a cover up for my late update. (Also, how can someone be so freaking cute?? It's illegal!!)


Chapter 8

As Lily came down to the common room next day, she saw James standing at the foot of the stairs with a very guilty expression. It seemed like he had been waiting there for her.

"Evans, don't freak out, okay... " he started.

"Oh no!" Lily said, eyes widening, "This is the part where you're going to tell me a dog ate my essay, right?"

James flinched. "Well, not really. But I might have kind of lost it."

Lily stared at him in pure shock.
"You might have kind of lost it? We were supposed to hand it in today, Potter."

James rubbed the back of his neck.
"It was there before I went to bed yesterday and it just disappeared in the morning. Just like that."

Lily pressed her fingers to her temple in order to keep her calm.
"Where did you leave it last night?" she asked.

"On my table." he said.

Lily climbed up the stairs to the boys' dorm and as she had expected, it was a complete mess.
"Wonderful. How am I going to find it in this garbage dump?"

Both of them started searching. James searched the drawers and tables while Lily crouched down, looking under beds and other furniture. There was no trace of her essay.

Lily gave up all hope and pushed herself up from the ground, holding on to the edge of James's table. Something smooth brushed her hand. Startled, she looked at the table. There was nothing but a lamp and an ink bottle. Yet she was sure she had felt something. She moved her hand across the table and she felt the smooth thing again.

"What is this thing here?" she asked James.

He walked over to were Lily was standing. He looked confused at first, staring at the spot she was pointing at. And then comprehension dawned on his face.

"Oh no." he said as he pulled on whatever the smooth thing was. A silvery material slid off the table but James had stuffed it inside his robes before Lily could see what it was. She raised her eyebrows.

"Your essay!" James said, pointing at the table, smoothly diverting Lily's attention from the mysterious, silver thing.

"Now that I think about it, we could have just used Accio." James said.

Lily grabbed the parchment and was about to tell James off for worrying her when Sirius walked into the room. He looked at Lily, then at James and then back to Lily.

"I see. There's some improvement." he said, smirking.

"What?" Lily asked. Out of the corner of her eye she saw James glare at Sirius.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Sirius said, heading towards his part of the room and gathering his books for the day's class.

When she walked out of the room with the essay, Lily could still hear James and Sirius talking inside.

"You took the cloak to sneak out yesterday, didn't you?" James asked.

"What? I was hungry." Sirius said.

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