Spin The Bottle

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Disclaimer : I don't own Harry Potter...or his parents...or anyone for that matter.

Yes, there is a game of spin the bottle (or "Truth or Dare" or whatever you call it). No, there is no character confessing their undying love for another person (I know I'm cliché, but that's just cringe-worthy)


Chapter 9

"Oh, com on, Lils. Would it hurt to have some fun?" Mary asked as she tried to drag Lily out of the dorm.

"The Marauders are there. Are you asking me to play Truth or Dare with them? I would rather face a blast ended skrewt." Lily said stubbornly.

"I thought you're friends with them now." Marlene said.

"I am" Lily said, "But playing Truth or Dare with them is practically suicide."

Marlene thought for a minute before grinning evilly. "Remember when you said I can ask you for anything in return if I got you James's Transfiguration notes?"

Lily nodded, not liking where Marlene was headed.

"So you owe me. And I claim my wish now." Marlene said dramatically.

Lily shook her head frantically, but Marlene grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to the common room, ignoring Lily's complaints that she's still in her pajamas.

Lily sat down next to Alice in the circle, with Sirius sitting across her and James and Remus on both his sides.

"So, who's spinning first?" Sirius asked as he summoned an empty firewhiskey bottle from their dorm. Lily didn't even bother asking him how he got firewhiskey when he was clearly underage. She had long before learned that questioning the four boys about their 'marauding' was futile.

Marlene took the bottle from him. "I'll do it."

She spinned the bottle and Lily watched as the bottle slowed down and stopped pointing in Peter's direction. Marlene chose Truth.

"Most embarrassing incident in your life." Peter said.

Marlene rubbed her chin thoughtfully and then her eyes fell on Sirius.

"Fourth year" she said, "I had gone to this family gathering with my parents and my sister Michelle. I was bored out of my mind. There was this cute guy and he saw me and smiled at me. I was about to go and talk to him when I tripped on something and fell flat on my face."

She glared at Sirius. "After that I found out that the something I had tripped on was Black's leg."

Sirius grinned, fluttering his eyelashes. "You could say she fell for me."

Marlene rolled her eyes. "Your chance, Peter." she said as she gave the bottle to Peter.

The game went on until Alice spinned the bottle and it landed on Lily. Alice also chose Truth.

"How long have you liked Frank for?" Lily asked. Frank, who was sitting next to James blushed scarlet. Even though they were dating, they were both still very shy.

"Since third year." Alice said, looking at everything but Frank. The entire group burst out laughing and the boys wolf whistled.

Lily spinned the bottle next and it landed on Daisy.

"Truth or Dare?" Daisy asked.

"Truth." Lily knew very well that she wouldn't ask about anything embarrassing.

"Say one thing you like about each person here."

Lily looked around.
"Alice is helpful. Marlene is caring. Daisy is sweet and Mary is funny. More like dramatic but yeah, whatever." she said all that in one breath. Lily didn't need to think twice about her friends' personalities.

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