Unlock memories?

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Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, I wouldn't spew random baseless information about the books to make them appear diverse.


Chapter 53

Marlene was sat by the window in Gryffindor common room. The sky outside was cloudy, moonlight barely seeping through even though it was full moon. Marlene's mind resembled the night sky, clouded by memories she was trying not to think of, or specifically, one particular memory.

Marlene was at Potter Manor, sitting across James at the dining table, pushing her food around with a fork, having no appetite for dinner. Though she didn't know what, something was bothering her. Something felt wrong.

So when the door bell rang, Marlene announced that she'll open the door, as an excuse to take her mind off whatever way bothering.

It was unusual for anyone to come to the manor at this hour. It was very rare that someone came to the manor other than through the floo network. So the sight that met her eyes when she opened the door caught her off guard.

Marlene rushed out towards Sirius who was stood at the doorstep, bloody and bruised. A gash across his collarbone was dripping blood, soaking through his shirt, and bruised knuckles held onto his trunk.

Panicked, Marlene called out to James and his parents. Stepping closer to Sirius, she saw several purpling bruises littered across the pale skin of his face.

"What happened?" she asked him, voice cracking. She didn't know why her heart twisted so painfully at his tortured state.

Before Sirius could say anything (though Marlene doubted he'd even speak), James came rushing out. Then it was chaos as James and Mr. Potter helped Sirius into the house.

Right after James had helped Sirius to the couch, Mrs. Potter instructed him to bring clean clothes and blankets for Sirius who was now shivering violently. Mr. Potter had disappeared into his study and Marlene could hear him talking loudly to someone through the fireplace.

"What happened, Sirius?" Mrs. Potter asked as she fixed the cuts and bruises one by one with the expertise of a healer. Sirius didn't answer, instead he closed his eyes and let Mrs. Potter heal the rest of his wounds.

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to." Mrs. Potter reassured him, moving to the particularly deep cut on his collarbone. Blood had pooled in the dip of his collar and Marlene winced at the sight.

She kneeled on the floor in front of Sirius, impulsively taking his hand in hers. She ran her thumb across his bruised knuckles soothingly and he looked down at her momentarily, their gaze locked only for a matter of seconds before he turned away.

Soon James came back with the clothes and blankets, which Mrs. Potter wrapped around Sirius before asking James to take him to one of the guest rooms.

"What do you think happened?" Marlene asked her aunt once the two of them were alone.

"His parents, obviously." the older woman replied, her voice heavy with suppressed anger, "Who else would be this cruel? That's probably why he isn't saying anything."

"What do we do now?" Marlene asked again.

She could see determination on Mrs. Potter's face as she stared off into the distance. "I don't care what happens now or what they're going to do. But he's my son and I'm never letting him go back to that house ever again."

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