The Lily Snitch

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Disclaimer : If any of you out there are still wondering, I don't own Harry Potter. And for the gif, smoking is bad for your health, kids.

/unedited chapter/


Chapter 28

"James, you can't blame someone without proof just because you think that person is involved."

That was the first thing Lily heard when she regained consciousness. Marlene's irritation was evident in her tone. Lily strained her ears to hear her but kept her eyes firmly closed.

"I don't think, Marlene." It was James speaking this time. They seemed to be arguing. "I know it was him."

"I hate Snape as much as you do. Maybe even more." Marlene said, "But we can't blame him for what happened to Lily without actually knowing anything about it."

Lily frowned as she realized that they thought Snape had cursed her. For once, Snape hadn't been part of what had happened. In fact, he had helped Lily. Though it also might have been because he didn't want his friends going to Azkaban for murder. Whatever it was, Lily was grateful that Narcissa and Snape had found her before she bled to death.

"Oh, please." James scoffed, "Everyone knows he's doing this either because she's muggleborn or to get to me. Because let's face it, if it came to a one on one duel, he doesn't stand a chance against me."

Lily's lips twitched slightly. There is my arrogant James. Thought I had lost him.

"He knows." James said venomously, "That the best way to hurt me is to hurt her."

"Marlene." Lily said, blearily opening her eyes. For a few seconds, everything seemed blurry till the faces of her friends came into focus. Marlene, Mary, Sirius, James, Peter, Remus and Alice were standing at the foot of her bed. Someone had changed Lily out of the clothes she was previously wearing into a fresh set of uniform except for the robes.

"Lily." Marlene said, immediately moving to the bedside and taking Lily's hand in her much smaller one, "How are you feeling? Are you alright?"

Lily nodded but didn't try to sit up, the bruise on her side was still fresh. She tried not to think about that either.

"What happened?" Remus asked, concerned, "Dumbledore wouldn't tell us anything."

Lily closed her eyes, not wanting to relive the incident. "Can we talk about it later?"

The others nodded and continued to talk amongst themselves and with Lily until Madam Pomfrey noticed the crowd around Lily's bed.

"One person at a time." she said sternly, "She's my patient and I won't allow any of you to break the rules. No, Potter, not even for you."

James smirked. "I'm your most frequent patient. Don't you just love having me here?"

"Of course I do." Madam Pomfrey said sarcastically before rolling her eyes and disappearing back into her office.

All of them shared a look and as if in collective understanding, said bye to Lily, promised to visit her later and left. Everyone except one person.

"Yes, James?" Lily said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"She said one person is allowed."

Lily nodded, then looked around the room. "Where is the box?"

James took the gift wrapped box out of his pocket and held it out to her. "This? You were holding on to it as if it was a treasure chest. I had to force your fingers open from around it."

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