To Witches and Wizards

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Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR so don't sue me, I'm broke enough already.

10 points if you get the title reference.


Chapter 46

Taking in a deep breath, Lily pushed her cart and walked into the brick wall. In a moment, she was in a whole new world.

In front of her was the scarlet train and Lily felt the warmth of familiarity settle in her at the thought of going back to where she truly belonged. Although the nostalgia as she stared at the Hogwarts Express and the realization that this would be the last time she'll be on Platform nine and three quarters on her way to school was slightly saddening.

Marlene followed her on to the platform and soon enough, they were off for a new year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

They had apparated to Kings Cross from James's house and were now pushing past the crowd of people in the train in search of their usual cabin.

As soon as they had opened the door to their compartment, Lily felt someone throw themselves at her, arms slinging around her neck.

"Congratulations, Lils!" Mary squealed, tightening her hold on Lily and squeezing the life out of her.

"Merlin!" Lily wheezed as she managed to detach Mary from her, "And I thought Sirius's hugs were the limit."

"I'm so happy." Mary continued to gush as Lily took her seat next to the window. She received equally warm welcomes from Alice and Daisy, the other two in their compartment. Lily had already changed into the school robes right after she entered the train. The head girl badge sat proudly on her Gryffindor robe.

"So Mary," Marlene began, a sly smirk appearing on her thin lips, "A little birdie told me a little something about you and a certain Reg Cattermole."

Mary coloured bright scarlet under her tan and ducked her head, avoiding eye contact with the others. Daisy, the said Reg Cattermole's sister, burst into laughter at Marlene's comment.

"You both missed out on so much." Daisy said in between her giggles. Mary was turning a deeper shade of red with every passing second. "I've never seen Mary go this crazy over a guy and it had to be my idiot brother."

"Hey!" Mary said, slapping Daisy's arm playfully, "I wasn't going crazy over anyone."

"The blush sure says otherwise." Lily teased and Mary narrowed her eyes at her.

"You're the one to talk, Evans?" Mary shot back, "How was your summer at James Potter's house?"

Lily raised her arms in surrender, smiling brightly all the while. She really did miss her friends.

While the other girls continued to chatter away, Lily turned her gaze to the window as the train passed through the English countryside. It had begun to rain outside, little droplets of water adorning the glass of the window.

Soon, she found herself thinking about the conversation she had had with Marlene the previous day when they had gone shopping for school supplies in Diagon Alley.

"So will you ever tell me what's going on with you and Sirius?" Lily had asked.

Marlene's expression turned grim almost immediately, lips pressed into a thin line.

"Lily." she began cautiously and Lily perked up immediately at the serious tone of her voice, "I know you're curious. I understand, okay?"

She paused for a moment, seemingly wondering about how to phrase what she had to say.

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