Chapter 28

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Jane's POV~

What is really true love?

You don't know LOVE until you surrender to it.

James read the first paragraph on the book. We were in class actually. Someone suddenly raised his hand. "What does that mean Sir?" Danny asked. James gave out a short smile and asked Danny to sit down. James closed his book and looked infront of us all. He looked at me seriously "Love," James started suddenly Lizel gave me a nudge. Oh, Jane don't blush. "Love is a feeling but all of us ask ourselves, 'What is love?' and 'How do we know that this is true love?' Well, the truth is you do not know if that love is real if you do not give out an effort to know what it is. If you guys read the full essay in your book in page 114, you'll know. But the truth is, you can only know once you've experienced it. There are times that in love you sometimes want to quit or give up. But remember in the end there will always be a time that you will think about what you once lost and had. One of the hardest decisions in life is sometimes to stay and try harder or to leave with your memories. Which would you choose? Me, I'd choose the first one," James explained. Suddenly someone raised a question "And if you fail?" Benson raised. "If you fail, try again. But if the point comes when that persondoesn't really want you or need you... It depends on you if you'll try again." James answered.

James folded his arms. "So in short, love is about sacrifice." James closed it. James took a quick glance at me and smiled. Suddenly, there were hands clapping around the room and howls. "Wow, Sir. You sound inspired!" Debby teased James. I did my best to RELAX. James just gave out a smile and turned around and got his book and picked up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard. 'Please read ahead pages 120-125 and write a reflection about it 15-20 sentences.'  James wrote on the blackboard.

After Class.

"Jane." I heard James call. I turned around. I wanted to wrap him around my arms, I wanted to just never let him go. "I might not be able to drive you home tomorrow. I'm so sorry, I've got so much to handle today. I promise if I finish early, I'll take you home." James explained. There was a short crack in my heart but I understood James. "I understand. It's okay." I answered. "Maybe Lex might take you home." James said. "No, it's okay." I answered. "Okay. Jane. I gotta go." James said as some students suddenly walked pass my us. "Bye, Sir." I answered and walked away. I didn't know why but tears streamed down my face. Call me dramatic but I really don't know why I suddenly cried.


"Jane, are you okay?" Lizel went to my table and Sammy followed her. They both sat beside me. Comforting me. "I'm okay, it's just stupid hormones again." I answered. I tried to be sarcastic but I just couldn't. As what I've said stupid hormones. I feel stupid for crying. "Jane, Jane, Jane. hey, chin up girl. You're to beautiful to be crying. Think what's really bothering you." Sammy said. It took me a moment to realize what it actually was. "It's just that... Eric is back, he's... After me, after James, after everyone. If my aunt finds out, and my uncle is in London. I just can't give them enough trouble and I feel like I'm giving James so many problems." I sobbed. Lizel and Sammy had their mouths hunged down. "Oh, Jane." Sammy wrapped me around her arms.

Lizel and Sammy went home after a few minutes. It was alreadt getting dark so I needed to gome home. I went to a short cut behind the school in the parking lot. It was really dark and cold. i wish I didn't take the shortcut. "Hey, there pretty lady." I heard a voice behind me. Footsteps became louder and faster. I had to run. Someone pulled my arm "Let me go!" I exclaimed. I could smell the alchohol from their breaths as 3 men got closer to me. I knew their intentions weren't good.

James. He was the only person in my mind. "Wanna have fun?" the guy with the blue jacket said. I rolled my eyes and kicked him. He looked at me angrily and pulled my shirt. "Get away!" I cried. They all laughed. I guess this is it. "Let her go!" I heard a shout. I turned around and inhaled deep. Lex. Lex ran towards the men and threw in with a stong punch with the guy who grabbed me. The guy wearing the black shirt was about to punch Lex luckily he avoided it and threw in a kick. but the guy with the violet shirt hit him on the face with a punch. Blood was spitted out from his mouth. "Lex!" I exclaimed. Lex directly got up and threw a punch in their faces. As the men fell on the ground I couldn't help but to be stunned. Lex was strong and he's a fighter. "guys, let run!" The guy with the blue jacket exclaimed and he and his men ran away. Lex went to me "Jane, are you okay?" Lex asked. "No, I'm not!" I answered and broke down with a sob. Lex wrapped his arms around me. "Everything's going to be okay now. Let me take you home." Lex said.

In Lex's car.

I couldn't stop thinking of everything that just happened today. It was really crazy. "Lex, thank you for saving me." I answered. Lex gave me a smile. "No problem, Jane." Lex answered. "What's bothering you now?" Lex asked. "Well, I'm just so confused... I know I'm causing James harm." I answered. Lex gave a sigh "Jane, look at you and James. If James wanted to leave he would have left before. But he didn't. Be strong for James the same way he holds on for you. He loves you so much." Lex answered. I just stared blankly outside the car window. Lex is right but I don't want anyone to get hurt.

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