he punched me | sean x reader

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it's nearly 1am and i cant sleep so here's this (also probs alot of error)



It was about 3pm on a Saturday afternoon when my dog decided to run off farther into the park. Being the over protective dog owner that I am, I ran after him to keep him in sight.

As my dog finally found a new spot to frolic, I sit on a near by bench and continue to listen to my Spotify playlist peacefully. I hum along to my favorite tunes as I quickly check my emails for any possible urgent meetings I might have soon.

It was just about 2 minute later when I look back up and my dog has disappeared yet again! She could never stay put!

I start calling out her name but no answer.


"Where could she have gone?!" I asked, so infuriated with myself.

I check near the playground where she could've climbed the doggy slides type things and I hear barking from the other side of it.

"Suzi?!" I call out again as I run around the playground and WHABAM!

Something really hard hits me right in the face and nearly knocks me out.

"Oh my god! Shit! I'm sorry!" The blurry figure comes towards me.

"What the heck?!" I shouted, caressing my bruising cheek.

"I thought you were my friend! I'm so sorry!" My vision starts to clear up and I start to study his face.

"Did you actually just punch me in the face?!" I asked in disbelief as I got up and furiously wiped the dirt off me.

"I'm reeeally sorry!" He totally ignores my question.

A few seconds later my dog comes jumping on me all happy and totally clueless of that fact he could've protected me from this idiot.

"I'm really sorry, can I ever make it up to you?" He looked so guilty and he should be.

"Um, I don't think so." I rolled my eyes as I hooked my dogs leash back on.

"I swear it was an accident!" He pleaded.

"Yo Sean! Hurry! We're gonna miss the movie!" Another boy calls after him from a distance.

"I'm guessing that's your friend you were supposed to punch." I rolled my eyes once again before walking off.

"One sec!" He replied to his friend.

"Wait!" He ran to my side.

"I feel so bad. I hit a girl and I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight knowing she won't forgive me." He stopped infront of me.

I stop in my tracks just inches from crashing into him and I take step back to keep a safe distance. I stare blankly at him, studying his appearance and he honestly seems like a good guy. However, his first impression wasn't the best.

"How can I make it up to you?" He asked, practically begging me to answer.

"My face is bruising as we speak." I remind him.

"I know! That's why I wanna make it up to you!" He begged.

I cross my arms and turn my head away from him to give him the idra that I'm not gonna give in.

"Oh my god!" He exclaimed while throwing his hands in the air.

"That's it." Was all he said before he got down on his knees and grabbrd my hands.

I was taken aback as I told him to get up.

"No!" He responded. "Pleeeeease! Let me make this up!" He begged.

"Oh my god! You look so stupid! Get up!" My face turning red from how embarrasing this was.

To make it worse, my dog starts barking at birds and now a bunch of people walking their dogs start looking at us.

"Pleeeease!" He begged even more while gripping tighter onto my hands.

"Holy crap! Okay!" I gave in and pulled him up.

"Yes!" He jumped in celebration before opening his arms up to hug me.

As he leaned in for the hugged, I placed my hand on his head and pushed him back.

"Right.. too soon." He chuckled.

"Uh, yeah."

"Anyways, I swear you won't regret your decision you made here..." he dragged his sentence waiting for my name.


"Well, y/n. I'm Sean Lew. The ultimate Lewser." He winked as he extended his hand out for me to shake.

"I can tell." I chuckled slightly.

"So you know, I can't make it up to you without your number. So how bout it?" He smiled that exposed the deepest dimples I've seen in my life.

I looked hesitantly from his phone to him before giving in and typing in my number. I give him a small smile before handing his phone back.

"You won't regret this, y/n."

7  years later

"Sean, I definitely didn't regret giving you my number." I smiled as we sat in the place we met.

"And I definitely don't regret punching you in the face." He joked.

We both laugh and continue on with our date. As time went by, I couldn't help but notice how uneasy he was being.

"Sean? Do you need the restroom?" I chuckled as he nervously laughed.

"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Y/n." He breathed. "Since the day I punched you in the face," we both let out a small laugh before I let him continue.

"You've changed my life forever. I never knew that I'd meet the love of life like that, but I'm really glad I did." His eyes start to get glossy and my cheeks start to heat up from how sweet he is.

"And since that day, I knew I couldn't let you go. I knew I shouldn't stop chasing after you... and I never will. Y/n.." He begins to pick something out of his pocket and my heart began to race, there is no way..

"Sean.." Tears began to build as he pulled out a small velvet box.

"Y/n. I never want to lose you. I never want someone to punch you the way I did." We both laugh at that line even with tears brewing in our eyes.

"I promise to continue to protect you for as long as I'm alive and I will never ever stop loving you." At this point we were both crying as we startrd into eachothers eyes.

I was so overwhelmed with what I was feeling. I've nevet felt so much happiness and love until this very moment.

"Y/n. Will you marry me?" He opened the box and I began sobbing from this overwhelming amount of emotions I had.

I pounced at him while responding with a "yes" ofcourse. I could never picture my life with anyone else.

"I love you so much."


I need to sleep it's almost 2am now HAHAH


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