joggers | reader x julian

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It was an average day at school; rumors spreading like wildfire, couples making out in the hallways, jocks passing a football around. Nothing new, I guess.

As I try and dodge a football knocking me out, I lean more towards my friend, Paige, keeping my head low.

"These assholes are so annoying." She grunted as she led us to my locker.

"You're right." I huffed as I began opening up my locker.

We began to talk about random moments in class and who pissed us off the most when her eyes kept looking at someone behind me.

"What?" I finally asked her.

"Nothing, it's just.. it seems like one of the jocks is checking you out."

I scoffed a sarcastic laugh, "Very funny, Paige."

"I'm serious, Y'n— oh my god." Her voice lowers as she loses colors on her cheeks.

"What now?" I roll my eyes, slamming my book down in my locker.

"Look behi—"

My body then suddenly jumps from shock when I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist and pulled into someones chest. My eyes grow wide, completely in shock that I have no idea who has just grabbed a hold of me. Paige is just as shocked.

"What the he-"

"Hi babe." I hear his voice whisper.


"What are you ta—"

"Hey, you?" He gestured at Paige. "Y-yeah?" She answers nervously.

"Get lost."

My jaw drops and before I could give him a piece of my mind Paige replies "Okay!" and quickly leaves.


"Thank me later!"

"What the fuc—"

"Cussing is bad." I hear his voice again.

"Get the hell off me! I don't even know you!" I demand as I try and pry his hands off me.

"You wouldn't want my team to bully the hell out of you for that blood stain on your pants now, do you?"

My hands suddenly freeze in place as well as my whole body. He can't be serious. I feel every part of my body shrink in embarrassment, just thinking of the situation I was now stuck in.

"You're serious?" I asked quietly.

"Yes. I saw it when I dropped my football beside you. You're lucky none of those dogs saw it." He says as he rubs over my stomach lightly with his thumb, probably noticing how stiff I've gotten.

I didn't know what to say but cover my face with my hands. Just the day I didn't bring my gym bag. Just perfect.

"I have a pair of joggers you can borrow, I'll hand it to you when the hallway clears." He says softly by my ear.

I feel my cheeks flush more in embarrassment and just find myself nodding.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's very normal for woman to stain once in a while, these hooligans should know that by now."

"Thank you." I shyly say, keeping my head low. "But you can't keep holding me like this."

"You're right."

The next thing you know my body was quickly pressed against my now closed locker. "This better?"

I sucked in my breath not just from the close proximity but from who I finally saw it was. "Julian?"

"Oh so you know my name?" He gives a playful smirk.

Before I could reply I was cut off by jocks howling at us, "Go get that ass De Guzman!"

I can feel my face as red as a tomato and instinctively finding myself burying my face on Julian's chest. I can feel his chest vibrate from his chuckle as he wraps his arms around me for comfort.

"Just leave, you morons. You wouldn't wanna get kicked off the team for failing." He retaliated.

"You're no fun, Juls." One guy said.

For a few moments, it was just like this. Me burying my face on his chest while he gently drew circles on my back.

"Okay, everyone is gone." He says, slowly letting me go.

"Thanks." I shyly thanked as I kept my head low.

Why else wouldn't I be embarrassed? Especially when a jock just saved me from embarrassment from the entire school, is lending me joggers and held me for 10 minutes straight just to keep my stain out of sight.

And what makes it worse is that not only was that cute... but he's cute too.

"Y/n?" I hear him snap me out of my thoughts as I see a black pair of joggers now infront of me.

"Oh, sorry." I blushed again in embarrassment. "I really appreciate what you did. Especially with— um— yeah." I chuckle nervously. "Just thank you so much."

"Don't worry about it." He smiled as he gently rubbed my shoulder.

"I'll just return this after I wash it, I promise."

"Don't worry too much about it." He smiled.

I couldn't help as my cheeks heated from embarrassment as I covered my stained jeans as I ran to the closest restroom. I could hear his small laugh at me just as I entered to restroom where I let out a small tantrum of embarrassment.

I quickly got my feminine products out and extra underwear and started fixing myself up. After cleaning up after myself I lace a leg at a time onto his joggers which were a bit too big for me. Even after tying them they still just hung a bit low for my liking.

Looking myself in the mirror one last time I let out a deep sigh and just walked out with slouched shoulders. Turning sluggishly I nearly jumped out of my skin when I found myself face to face with the man himself.

"Jesus! You scared me." I exclaimed putting hand above my chest.

"Name is Julian actually." He joked. "Also you good now?"

Trying to save myself from further embarrassment I just nod, "Erm, yeah they're just a bit big."

We both look down and notice how a line of my stomach was showing which makes me pull the joggers again to just watch it fall back to place.

Julian cracks a small smile before saying, "There's a trick to that."

"What trick?"

His eyes flick up to me briefly before taking a bold step towards me and taking me off guard. As I lifted a foot to move back he stops me by grabbing the hem of his joggers and stopping me, letting a gasp escape from my lips in the process.

He rolls the top part down and soon enough it was secure enough to not fall down my hips. He looks up slowly with a smile on his lips not even caring how close we were.


Words, y/n. Words.

"Y-yeah. G-good."

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