here for you | ken x reader

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"Hey Ken!" Will called out, making me turn around to him.


"You still coming over to my house tonight? Everyone's coming over for a movie night." He reminds me.

It had totally slipped my mind even if we've been planning it for weeks.

"Oh man, I'm sorry. I'm not sure." I frowned. "I'm actually gonna check on y/n because she didn't go to school today."

"Oh, don't worry about it then. There are future plans anyways." He reassured me.

"Don't worry, if she's alright we'll be sure to stop by." I smiled.

"That'd be cool! Thanks but don't feel pressured to." He smiled back. "Anyways, I gotta go. Talk to you later!" He waved.

"Alright, laters." I waved back before leaving the studio.

I make sure to go directly to y/n's house since she hasn't replied to any of my texts and calls. It made me worry if she was sick or something bad happened to her. Just the thought alone made me sick to the stomach.

Walking into her driveway made me more anxious to find out what was wrong. I hurried to her door and knocked, hoping someone would answer quickly.

When no one answered I just sucked it up and prayed the door was unlocked. I twist the knob and thanked the heavens when it was unlocked.

I take a look around to see if anyone was home, but there was no one home. She was probably asleep, I thought. That's what I hope it was.

As I turn the corner to her room, I noticed it was slightly open. I peek in and immediately noticed how trashed up it looked. Worry instantly filled me as I walked further into the room.

"Y/n?!" I called out, stepping over the broken glass.

As I did this, I noticed a trail of water coming from somewhere. I continued to look down just following this trail and see it was coming from her restroom. I open the door and find her fully clothed, hugging her knees in a overflowing tub.

"Y/n!" I exclaimed as I turned off the faucet and bent down to her level.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" She sniffled.

Her bags were so dark and heavy. Her voice dry and hoarse. Just everything about her looked broken.

"I think I should be asking that." I tell her. "Get out of there."

"No." She shook her head as she cried onto her knees.

"Y/n, c'mon don't be silly." I shake my head slightly as I begin to grab her arms.

"No!" She fought back, making the water spill out of the tub more.

"Y/n!" I gripped tighter as I continued to forcefully pull her out.

"Stop!" She cried.

"You need to get out!"

She continues to fight off my grip as I dragged her out of the tub, as well as a wave of water. I didn't even care if I got drenched, I just wanted her out. Her body temperature was freezing and she was literally as pale as a ghost.

She began sobbing uncontrollably as I sat her on the floor beside it. I sat across her as I tried to catch my breath.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I know it was probably the wrong time to scold her but it just annoyed me so much that she would risk her health.

"Just leave me alone!" She yelled, letting more tears stain her cheeks.

"Y/n?" I move myself closer to her and carefully lift her head up. "Tell me what's wrong."

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