impatient | julian x reader

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Based on a true to life scenario, little trigger warning. Not intense don't worry, some readers just might be sensitive to the material.

Also I don't see Julian as this type of person I just happened to use him as the lead LMAO



"I'm so tired." You yawned as you timidly walked inside your bedroom, kicking your heels off.

Julian chuckles as he follows suite behind you. You both just spent the whole night dancing at Lexee's birthday party and you couldn't wait to be laying in your crisp white sheets.

Julian watches as you, his beautiful girlfriend, walk over to you bed while unclipping your hair and letting it fall flawlessly down your exposed back. Julian couldn't help himself as he walked silently over to you and suddenly wrapping his arms around your waist.

You let out a small gasp as he pulls your back to his chest but soon relaxes as he leans his chin on your shoulder.

"You looked so beautiful tonight." He whispered by your ear before leaving a small kiss on your shoulder.

"Thank you." You blushed as you placed your hands on top of his.

"I'm tired." You yawned as you turned to him and hugged your arms around his neck.

"No, it's still early." He whined jokingly as he kissed your cheeks and lead them to your lips.

"Maybe a few minutes." You giggled before locking lips with him and getting lost in a trance with him.

You cheeks heated up as he unexpectedly picked you and held you flush to his body. "Fuck. You're so beautiful." He whispered nearly out of breath as he broke the kiss and trailed his lips to your neck.

You suddenly become shy as he presses harder kisses on your neck. You could practically see the purple marks on your neck that he was leaving.

"Julian.." You whispered but came out more like a moan.

Julian took this as approval as he set you down on your bed behind you and continued to leave kisses on your neck and down to your collarbone. Your chest rises and falls as you go in and out of reality. Your hands move up to his shoulder and try to lightly push him away.

"Julian, wait." You manage to say through heavy breathes.

He finally locked eyes with yours, so dark and full, with plump lips. "Yeah?"

"I think we should get some rest." You manage to say, combing your fingers through his hair.

"We have all night to rest, baby. Can we just have this moment?" He caressed your cheek with his thumb before placing a kiss on it.

"I had to share you with so much people tonight. I just want all your attention right now."  He says gently by your ear before placing yet another heart melting kiss there. "Please."

Once again, you were brought back to a trance as you pulled him back down to your lips. He smiled contently as held his hands to your hips and lightly grinded his to yours.

Your kiss escalates by the minute as his hand begins to trace the outline of your body and lands on the end of your dress. Your cheeks heat up once more as he begins to push it up to your waist and begins another attack on your neck.

You grew nervous thinking of what would happen if you let this continue further. You loved Julian. However, you weren't ready for what he had in mind. You knew you had to stop him.

"Julian." You placed your hands on his and held them in place.

He looked up with a slight groan leaving his lips. You felt a small sting to your heart when you heard it. You kind of hoped you just misheard him.

"Y/n." He sighed. "Don't you trust me?"

You look up at him ashamed before nodding your head immediately, "Ofcourse I trust you!" You cupped his cheeks, and assured him you do.

"I'm just—"

"Then let me take care of you." He says, running his hand softly upon your outer thigh.

You were so nervous to make him and but you were so nervous on where this could lead to. You were almost scared. You were inexperienced and feared of losing Julian.

You gulped before nodding lightly yet hesitantly. He smiled before taking your hands off his and led them back up to your bed sheets, lightly holding then down. Your hands lightly shook under his grasp and you were sure he could feel it.

He locks eyes with you and for a moment you calmed down as he laced his fingers with yours.   He leaned in once more and kissing you softly, gradually getting rough as he tried to hold your fidgeting hands down on the bed sheets.

You weren't sure if you could go through with this as he let go of one of your hands and brought his hand to your back, finding the zipper of your dress. You could feel him undo the zipper as you feel your heart about to fall out your chest.


He cuts you off by locking his lips to yours while his hand pushes the straps of your dress down your shoulders. "Julian." Your eyes lightly burned as it felt hard to swallow.

You were a nervous wreck. He knew you weren't ready. He should understand.

"Julian." You say again, trying to sound strong.

"Relax, baby." He whispered, running his lips down your neck.

"Julian, no!" You finally managed to say in a strict tone, gathering enough strength to push him off you.

You held your dress up with one hand as one ran through your messy hair.

"What was that for?!" He raises his voice at you, causing you to feel smaller than him.

"I told you how many times! I'm not ready!" You held your tears in as you found the courage to snap back at him.

"And when will you be?! Huh?! When we're 6 months? 8 months? A year?!" He stands up and looks so frustrated as he looks down at you.

Your heart felt like it broke on the spot. You thought he understood. Turns out he didn't.

"When I'm ready!" You stood your ground as you continued to hold your dress up. "I can't believe you could say that to me!" Tears left your eyes, barely managing to keep this burning eye contact with him.

"You said you love me! So why can't you wait!" You fired at him.

"Well you said you love me so why can't you let me have you?!"

Your mouth hung low as you felt your heart drop to your stomach. You suddenly felt betrayed, like you were never even loved in the first place.

"I can't believe you just said that.." You manage to get out as you look down at the floor with your hands in fists.

"Shit— Y/n, I didn't mean it." He tried to grab a hold of you but you step back, not daring to look up. "I'm sorry I just— got impatient— Y/n plea—"

"Get out." You manage to say with all the strength you had left.


"I said get out!" You yelled, turning to his direction and meeting his eyes.

He froze seeing the tears he caused falling past your cheeks and onto the hickey's he practically forced you to wear.

His eyes began to get heavy cause of the tears filling them, he tried to grab a hold of your hand as he whispered your name.

"Don't let me say it again again, Julian." You looked away, hugging your body.

"I-i'm sorry." Was all he could say before walking out of your room and leaving you where you stood.

As the door shut, you fell to your knees and pulled on your bed sheets to cover the exposed parts of your body. You thought of all times he promised he would wait til you were ready. All those times he promised you he wouldn't force you into something you didn't want.

He lied to you. He only wanted you for sex. He never loved you. All the 5 months you spent together was a lie.

Everything about him and the both of you was a lie.

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