sick | sean x reader

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Sorry if i keep posting bout Sean 😅😂 He just appeals to every story I make up 🌚

But I have stories for other people too dw

Hmu with suggestions/ requests!


Sean never texted me good morning earlier like he usually would. It was very weird and made me think he was avoiding me for a reason I could not think of. We were fine last night.

What if he was mad at me?

I don't what I'd do if Sean was mad at me.

My palms start sweating as I try and think of a reason for him not messaging me. I try to resolve my problem by sending him a text.

To Sean:
Hi babe, are u okay?

U didn't text me this morning..

Is everything okay?

Did i do something wrong?


I let out a sigh after a couple minutes of waiting. He wasn't replying. I was really starting to worry.

I don't remember doing anything wrong. I can't just sit here and wait for him. I need to fix whatever is going on.

The fear of losing him creeps upon me and I start to panic. I rush to grab my stuff, throw a hoodie on, and stuff my feet in my Nike's and run straight out the door.

He lived 20 minutes away but when jogging he was less than 10.  I know because we always jogged on Saturday's around our neighborhood.

I look down at my phone to see no notifications as I approach his house. I cuss under my breath as I run out of possible ideas for him to be avoiding me. I know I sound like an overly attached girlfriend or something, but I just know something was wrong.

I knock on his front door waiting for someone to answer but then I remembered that his family was all gone at this time of day. I then pull out the spare key his parents had given me since they had full trust on me. We basically knew eachother for years, so I wasn't a stranger to them.

Quickly unlocking the door, I pull it back out and shut the door behind me. I jog up to his room to find his door closed. I was honestly scared to knock.

What if he was actually mad at me and didn't wanna see me?

My palms started to sweat again as I fiddled with my fingers down at my sides. I took a deep breath before entering and a wave of relief washed over me.

He was just sound asleep.

"Oh my god.." I sighed in relief and kick myself mentally for overthinking it.

He was probably just so tired and overslept. Very unlike him, but it still made me feel better that he was just sleeping.

I approach his bed and sit by his bed side, just watching as his eyelashes gently move as he dreams. He was so precious and peaceful in sleep.

A smile creeps at the side of my lips as I place my hand on his chest. However, something odd struck me. His shirt felt warm, warmer than usual-- I guess.

My eyebrows furrow as I grow confused why that could be. I bring my hand to his cheek and my eyes instantly widen. He was steaming.

"Oh my god!" I gasped as I feel around his neck.

He doesn't even budge because he was such a heavy sleeper. He can literally sleep through a fire. Not even joking.

I cup his cheeks with one of my hands and begin to shake him so that he can wake up. When he didn't wake up, I started to shake his shoulders. Nothing.

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