surprise | sean x reader

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It's been 2 months.

2 months since you and Sean last seen eachother.

Sean has been really sad since he last kissed you at the airport, the day you both had to part ways. He barely even had time to prepare to part with you for 3 months because of the last minute tour arrangement.

One moment you guys were cuddling and the next you were barely even getting the chance to say good night through facetime.

The long distance relationship and the loss of time to talk to one another has really began to take a toll on him for he has began slacking off during rehearsals. His mentors would always remind him of how he wasn't showing and using his full potential but he just had no drive anymore.

He missed your voice. Your touch. Your scent. He just missed everything about you.

Until one day, Julian and Josh couldn't stand seeing their best friend being so down that they set up a plan. They weren't quite sure if it would work out but they sure as heck did try.

The tours next stop was Korea which Sean really wanted to bring you to. He would always mention things like "Y/n and I always planned on going together.." and "I can't believe y/n won't experience this with me..". This is where their plan came together.

Julian and Josh had gone behind Sean's back to set up the plan with you and how you would surprise him at the airport. It was quite an epic surprise and a very anticipating one.

So when the day came where the crew had to go to the airport and wait for their next flight, Sean was found to be slumped next to Kaycee. He kept going on about how depressed he felt and how he wished you were there.

But he had no clue that you were just meters away from him.

"Hey Sean!" Jules and Josh called.

Sean looks up nonchalantly with no expression until everything changed.

Sean's face instantly blooms with happiness as his jaw drops in pure joy

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Sean's face instantly blooms with happiness as his jaw drops in pure joy. In a blink of an eye he had his arms wrapped around you and spinning you around, kissing you all over your cheek. A few tears had slipped as he set you down and admitted how much he had missed you.

You both didn't even realize your group of friends cheering, equally as happy as the both of you for reuniting.

Your heart melted as your cheeks heated as he cupped your cheeks and reunited your lips. You both had never felt more happier in your lives.

When you both part, Sean immediately looks up at his best mates and lunges at them. He thanked them with huge hugs and cute squeals before running back and hugging you tight once again. You giggled as he buried his face in your neck, just taking in every part of you.

"God knows how much I missed you. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Sean."

"You seriously don't know how much I  do.."

Little did you know, he was just about to leave the tour just to be with you.



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