chalk | sean x reader

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I'm sorry in advanced.


Sean's POV:

Y/n and I have just came from a music festival and let's just say, we were still super hyped up. We were covered in a variety of colors of chalk and matching blue bandanas around our forehead.  The uber driver seemed to be fine with the tiny bits of chalk falling onto his seats since he's actually singing along to Panic! At the Disco with us. It was easy to tell he was just around his 20's because of his appearance and actions.

I was in the passenger seat while y/n was in the backseat, even though we were seperated we still managed to turn up inside the uber. We were all belting to "Death of a Bachelor" because honestly... Who wouldn't?

A couple more songs go by and we were still having a great time on the drive home. That was until things started to go wrong.

We were at a stop light when suddenly the car behind us hit the back of the uber and sent our car forward. The uber driver then noticed a car coming from the intersecting lane coming my way so he floors it, saving not only my life but our lives.

At that moment, my heart starts racing and y/n has started panting from the adrenaline rush. I was just about to thank the driver when I realized him panicking. We were still driving down the street at atleast 60 mph and he was frantically kicking his foot on something.

"What?! What's wrong?!" I frustratedly asked him.

"The brakes!" He breathed. "They're not working!"

"What do you mean they're not working?!" Y/n suddenly yells at the backseat.

This was when my heart dropped down to my stomach as all he could do was dodge the cars.

"Y/n call 911!" I commanded as I helped the driver calm down and navigate around the highway.

Y/n gets on the phone with 911 and begins explaining our situation. She was heavily breathing and I could tell she was just about to have a panic attack.

Heck, I would too but I gotta be strong for her.

"Ma'am I'm gonna need you to breathe and calm down." The officer says.

"Calm down?!" Y/n screams. "Don't you dare tell me to calm down in a situation like this!"

I take my eyes off the road and turn back to her and grab a free hand.

"Y/n I'm gonna need to you to take a deep breath in, okay?" I asked her softly.

"We're gonna be okay." I assured her by squeezing her hand. "I won't make anything happen to you. I promised you that remember?"

Y/n and I have known eachother since the 6th grade and since then, we've become inseparable. We literally did everything together, like getting rid of our wisdom teeth on the same day and going on our first dates on the same day. Also, let's just say our first dates was eachother.

I promised to keep her safe all the time and I've managed to keep it for all these years. We're Juniors now in Highschool and I wasn't about to break that promise now.

She gives me a weak smile as a tear slips past her cheek. Her smile was soon dropped and the color on her face was gone in a flash.

"SEAN!" She screamed pointing from behind me.

I quickly turned back to see a car coming directly towards our way and I quickly turn the steering wheel towards the right. The uber then starts spinning in circles and we're all screaming at this point.

I look towards the direction we were going and it was towards the small wall that segregates the opposite lanes from eachother. We all brace ourself for impact and it all happened so suddenly.

The impact was strong enough for the car to break through the small wall and we were now in a whole new side of the highway. I look back to see if y/n was fine only to see a glimpse of a truck coming her way and I didn't even give myself a chance to think.

I just remember yelling her name, unbuckling myself and jumping on top of her. Her arms wrapped around me as I protected her with my body. The warmth of her body was the last thing I felt before everything flashed white.

Chalk wasn't the only thing left on his car seats anymore, but our entire lives as well.


I'm so fucked rn 😩

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