asshole | julian x reader pt. 1

444 21 40

picture this a romantic comedy movie :)

Also im day off (FINALLY) so ima try and update all my stories




It was a pretty chilly day with a hint of rain on a Sunday afternoon. Honestly a good day to jog in y/n's opinion. She preferred it over a sunny day. She just had to becareful on not slipping due to the moss on some sidewalks that were very slippery when wet.

Even with this reminder in the back of her head, her clumsiness got the best of her when she got distracted by a car passing by a puddle near her and nearly drenching her. Just the slightest power of her fault caused her to slip on the slippery pavement and crash down on the cement in front of her.

She manage to catch her upper body with her hands but her right leg, however, managed to scrape against a rock that just had to be there(!!). She let out a short yelp of pain as she felt the sharp stinging sensation from it before turning over to sit on her butt.

She grimaced at the sight of the blood running down her leg slowly and dripping onto the damp sidewalk drop by drop. A groan escapes from her mouth as she dusts the dirt surrounding it and trying to get back on her feet. She instantly hisses at the pain that came from her shin and fell back to the ground in pure irritation.

"Hey! Are you okay?!" She suddenly heard someone yell coming from the house just several feet away.

She turns her head towards the voice to see it was this kid she saw a lot at school but never really interacted with him.

Julian De Guzman.

"I saw what happened through my bedroom window." He stated, kneeling down to her level to observe her wound.

"I'm good." She lied with a gritted teeth to hide the pain.

"Sure you are." He scoffed with an eye roll.

This made her raise an eyebrow before snapping at the kid, "Well what kind of question is that to ask?! I'm clearly not okay!"

"Hun, sorry to disappoint you but I never asked if you were okay." He stated with a slight smirk, looking directly at her now.

Her body heated in a mix of embarrassment and annoyance realizing he was right.

"Well-- well okay! So what?!" She snapped again, not knowing what to say after that.

He looks down shaking his head with a small chuckle falling from his lips.

"Why don't I just help you with this now, why don't we?" It came out more of a command than a suggestion.

"I'm good." She rolled her eyes as she tried desperately to get up on her own.

But before she could even blink he had already placed his arms under her legs and back, quickly but cautiously picking her up.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, flailing her perfectly good leg as he walked her back to his house.

"Put me down!" She demanded as she squirmed in his arms.

He simply ignores her and this made her even more irrtated at him.

"Help! I'm being kidnapped!" She yelled, throwing her head back towards the street.

He just laughs as he carries her inside his house and shutting the door with his heel.

"I said put me down!" She repeated over and over again until he made it to his couch.

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