you're drunk | julian x reader

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Music was blaring through the mansion you had just set foot on from literally every direction. The smell of drugs and alcohol filled your nostrils as you stepped further in, looking for a good time.

You see all the teens grinding on eachother while others made out on the sidelines. You shuttered from disgust before heading over to the kitchen where the drinks were. You settled for a Straw-ber-rita margarita and consumed the can within seconds.

"Didn't think I'd see you here." Someone very familiar whispers near your ear, sending chills down your spine.

"I missed you." He whispered again, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your back to his chest.

"Leave me alone, Julian." You gritted, shoving your shoulder back for him to back off.

Julian was your ex boyfriend.

Yes, ex.

You honestly thought you guys were going great. 1 year strong actually. However, one day he just decided to break it up.

You didn't expect it at all as he set it to you straight. "Let's see other people," he said. "I still love you, but it just doesn't seem to work." Oh, the lies.

Not even two days after the break up, he was already hooking up with other girls. It broke you. You loved him so dearly. Even if months has passed since that day, you knew you still had feelings for the asshole pressed against your back.

"But babe," He emphasized, kissing the exposed skin on your shoulder lightly. "We have things to fix."

"Fuck off Julian!" You spat, tearing yourself away from his hold and facing him.

"Okay, I will. Under one condition." He smirked, stepping closer to you.

"What?" You huffed, crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow.

"One last kiss." He says lowly, leaning in to kiss you.

"Wha-- I think not!" You protested, turning your head so he'd miss your lips.

"Oh c'mon, Y/n." He teased, grabbing your arm gently and pulling you to him.

"Julian. I said, no." You gritted, your eyes turning into daggers.

This didn't phase him. He just cups your cheeks and leans back in again. In annoyance and being strong to not fall under his touch again, you push him as hard as you can.

"I said no!" Your voice echoing throughout the kitchen.

You were flaming as he looked at you half shocked and half amused. You just wanted to attack him with punches for being so damn demanding and controlling. Controlling how you feel and always having to be the dominant one.

"Hm." He smirked with a shrug before turning on his heel and leaving you with drunk teenagers who were too busy making out to notice your argument.

"Don't drink a lot. You know you can't handle it." He says right before disappearing into the crowd.

You get furious from how he thinks he still has control and a say for what you should and shouldn't do. He acts as if he didn't tear your heart into a million pieces with no mercy. With all the anger now built up inside you, you do the exact opposite of what he says.

"Don't drink, my ass." You snarled before downing a full typical red solo cup.

This went on for 3 more cups before walking into the main party room. You found a couple of your friends and danced around with them. Then later sharing a few more drinks before you finally felt the effects of alcohol.

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