fight or flight | julie x will

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Also trigger warning. I might be a little bit too descriptive so if writing about violence and blood triggers you I would suggest skipping this imagine :/


"So how far are you?" I asked my boyfriend of over 8 months through the phone while I combed out the last knot in my hair.

"Maybe 10 minutes? Less? I'm nearing your neighborhood though." He replies.

"Alright." I smiled even if he couldn't see it. "Just text or call me when you're here. I'm gonna be cleaning my room."

"Yeah, you should. That place is a pigsty!" He laughed at the other end and I just roll my eyes playfully.

"That's why you're gonna help me!" I reminded him, giggling with him.

"Yeah, yeah." He chuckles. "Be there soon. Love you!"

My hearts flutters instantly as a smile rises to my cheeks. "Love you too, Will."

We both hang up and I begin to start collecting the trash in my room. I really need to stop leaving my water bottles everywhere after dance. They're beginning to take over my desk.

As I continued to sort through my shelves and desks for trash, I hear the front door open and my smile returns once again. I drop my trash bag from my hands and run out of my room then down my stairs. I could already hear Will rummaging threw my kitchen for food.

Typical him, honestly.

"Babe! I told you to--"

At that very moment my heart dropped as well as the glass in this person in blacks hand. He quickly turns his head to me and my heart immediately speeds up from the masked person staring at me deviously.

My fight or flight actions quickly kick in and I make a dash for upstairs, knowing I won't make it to my own front door. I hear the invader yell and run up the stairs after me. My heart pounded harshly against my chest as I hear him near me.

Then I felt a pull.

I let out a shriek for help as I was pulled down by the ankle and hit my head on a step in the process. My vision instantly gets blurry as the person tries to get a better hold of me. I wasn't gonna go out without a fight.

I begin kicking my legs as I forced myself to sit up, no matter how heavy my head felt from that crash. The guy grunts in anger as I kick him in the jaw with all my might.

I yell once again for help as I somehow manage to kick him down a few steps and run up to safety. Everything was swaying but at the same time I almost didn't feel the pain from how much adrenaline was rushing through my entire body.

My feet instinctively takes me to my room and before I could slam the door shut, the intruder kicks it and I go flying to my bedroom floor. I grunt in pain before I pushed myself up and sprinted to my phone.

"Oh no you don't!" The deep voiced intruder scowls before I feel him grab a handful of my hair and yank me back.

I felt like my head was nearly ripped off from how harsh he grabbed me. Tears welled my eyes as I continued to fight him off.

"Shut your ass up!" He yells before striking me in the face.

I fall back down the ground hard with blood splattering down in the process. Breathing was suddenly so hard to do as I continued to try and get up.

"Help!" I cried out again before I got kicked right in the gut.

Tears and blood drip down my face as I held myself and watched as he hovered over me and leaned down.

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