we're dead | ken x reader

371 22 14

seems like forever since i did a ken one


"Babe, what do you wanna do today?" Ken asks as he plops down beside me, wrapping an arm comfortably around my waist.

"I'm trying to finish season two of Stranger Things, so we could have a lazy day." I smiled down at him as I comb his hair back with my fingers as he cuddled my waist.

"Hm.." He hummed, making my stomach vibrate slightly. "As much as I would love to spend another lazy day with you and as much as I love Stranger Things, I wanna do something else." He looks up at me smiling cheekily.

I tilt my head in confusion before asking, "and what is that you had in mind?"

He just smirks before pushing himself up and lunging at me in a playful way. I laugh uncontrollably as he tickles my sides lightly and climbing on top of me.

"KEN! I'm gonna pee!" I threaten with a shriek from how much torture I was in from him tickling me.

His laugh slowly falters as well as his devious act before smirking once again at me.

"Now that I've got your attention.." He then leaned down and attached both our lips together.

This dumbass sometimes, I swear.

"And when did you not have my attention?" I manage to ask only giving him the chance to leave a trail of kisses to my neck.

"You're right." He lifts his head up to show the angelic smile on his face that I fell for. "But I was beginning to believe Steve Harrington was becoming a distraction." He joked making me giggle.

"Oh shut up! He's ho--"

He shuts me up once more by dropping his lips back to mine.

"Don't even bother to finish your sentence." He mumbled against my lips before proceeding with his attack.

My hands roam up to his hair while a hand of his laid on my waist as the other one held him up. I don't know what about him just made me forget time and how easily he made it for me to lose control.

"Y/n." He breathed as he deattached our lips and brought it to my cheek.

"Yeah?" I panted, trying to catch a breath.

"I love you." He whispers near my ear before planting a kiss below it.

I feel my cheeks heat up before replying, "I love you too, Ken."

"You're perfect." He says, planting a kiss on the skin of my neck.

"Am not." I breathed out, almost losing my breath as he gently nipped at a sensitive spot of my neck.

"Don't say that." He says, proceeding his attack on my neck.

"You're perfect." He repeats.


I can't even recall how long that makeout session was but hell did it get heated. Nothing serious, but it was still pretty much.. something.

Ken seemed satisfied with it because he couldn't stop smiling and blushing. I thought it was adorable as he denied to let me go. He wouldn't let me up to use the restroom.

"Ken, if I pee my pants, it ain't my fault." I teased as he buried his face in my neck and held me close to his chest.

"What if the demogorgons take you?" He lifted his head to show me his signature pout.

"You're a 17 year old child." I laughed, pushing his face away.

"I'm serious! What if-- oh my god." His face almost goes pale as he keeps his eyes on something on me.

"What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Oh my god! Is there a bug on me?!" I freak, bolting up to a sitting position and violently swatting my shoulder.

"Oh fuck." He cussed, sitting up with me and anxiously standing up. "We're dead. I'm dead." He grabs a handful of his hair as he paces back and forth.

"Kenneth, what's wrong?" I ask genuinely concerned as I sat up on my  knees and grabbed a hold of his hand.

He faces me and points at my neck. "I guess a demogorgon did get you.. aka me."

"What are you-- you didn't.." I gasp before scurrying off the bed and running to my restroom.

"Kenneth Paul Sa--"

My yell of frustration was soon cut off by his hand covering my mouth. "I'm sorry!" He whisper yelled as he gave me a sympathetic look through the glass.

"If my parents see this they're gonna freak!" I groan, rubbing it as if it would magically disappear like dirt.

"Can't you cover it up with makeup?" He asks, trying to come up with quick solutions.

"My mom knows a makeup cover up like the back of her hand Kenneth!"

"Can you stop calling me Kenneth?!" He whines. "It makes me anxious!"

"I know that's why I'm using it!" I retaliate.

(Why am i laughing)

"Well maybe you could wear sweaters for a while?" He suggests blankly.

I turn my head to him and have to fight the urge to slap his head.

"It's summer time you dim-whit!" I snap, looking back at the mirror to observe it.

"What if.. you say you burned yourself?"

"Ken, I seriously don't know if you're trying to be cute or helpful." I almost laugh as I turn back to him.

"Maybe both." He smiled small with a shrug.

"You're an asshole." I laugh, not being able to stay mad at him.

My arms find their way around his body as so does his and we just stare at each other through the mirror.


"So.." I mocked him.

"Do you really think Steve is ho--"

My eyes roll before imitating him from earlier and cutting him of with a kiss.

"Don't even bother to finish your sentence."


Weak ass writing game



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