my ice cream | gabe x zoe

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or if ur name is zoe as well bc i have a bunch of zoe readers 😂💀✌


"So where do you wanna go next?" Zoe asks her friend April (a/n: whY HELLO) who was busy playing some game on her phone.

"April?" Zoe looks at her friend just a feet away from her. "You're about to be canceled."

Zoe looks back forward to take a lick of her ice cream but only to have it crashing on her shirt. She shrieked slightly in shock as she felt a pair of hand help her keep her balance. She looked up to see a pair of brown eyes looking at her with red cheeks.

"My ice cream." She slightly pouted as she looked down at her shirt.

"I'm s-so sorry." The boy nervously says as he backs away.

"See what happens when you don't look where you're going?" This other boy teases his friend.

"You're the one that pushed me!" The boy that bumped into her rebuttaled.

"It's fine." She huffed, disappointed that she didn't even take more than 4 licks of her ice cream. "Let's go Apr--"

She turns to her friend who was now not distracted by her phone but with the other guy. Just great, she thought.

"April." Zoe shook her arm.

"April!" She shook harder.

"Oh hi!" April turned to Zoe with red cheeks. "This is Sean!" She grins from ear to ear.

She looks at her dully before looking down at her stained shirt once more than up to her.

"Oh what happened to you?!"

"That's it. You're caNCELLED."

Zoe begins to walk away when the boy panicks and races after me.

"Hey wait!" He runs up infront of her, stopping her tracks.

"Yes?" She crosses her arms, still avoiding the ice cream painted on her shirt.

"Can I make it up to you and buy you a new one?.. and maybe a new shirt." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly as she continued to debate in her head.


"Okay?" His face lit up as he drops his arm.

"Yeah, and don't worry about the shirt I'll cover it up with my hoodie." She tell him.

"Are you sure?" He asks shyly.

"Yes, I'm sure." She smiles small before they walk their way back to the ice cream shop, with their two friends merely following behind them.

As they enter the shop, she then tell them the flavor she preferred and watch as they add a few cute toppings. Gabe pays for both their ice cream and hands it to her with a smile.

"I'm still sorry about bumping into you and ruining your shirt." He frowned as they sat down at a booth next to Sean and April who denied to even make any contact with them.

"It's fine." She laughed slightly, taking a scoop of her ice cream and savoring the cooling flavor.. "I was gonna throw it out soon anyways. It's pretty old." She shrugged.

"Oh.. okay."

They both fall silent for a bit, stealing awkward glances at eachother.


"So.." She mocked, making the both of them laugh.

"I didn't get your name." He begins the conversation.

"Zoe." She smiled. "Yours?"

"Gabe." He smiled back.

"So do you think our friends realize we're still alive?" She joked as they both looked at them drowning in their conversation.

"Nope, we're hopeless." Gabe says, making her laugh as she took another scoop of her ice cream.

"I figured."

As time went by, they actually had a conversation going. Zoe was genuinely having a great time as well as Gabe. She thought he was so sweet and had so much things to say, which was quite entertaining.

"I'm actually quite glad I bumped into you." Gabe smiles as he stuff his hands in his pockets while they walked out of the ice cream shop.

"You know what? Me too." She bumped her shoulder slightly into his.

He smiles at her action and mirrors it, "When do you think I'll see you again?"

She was kind of taken aback by his question and looks at him with a quirky look on her face. "You wanna see me again?" She teased with her eyebrows raised.

His cheeks heat up and looks away for a mere second before looking back at her, "I-i mean yeah? I-if you want to ofcourse!"

She nearly laughs at his nerves and just nods her head, "Sure, I'd like to see you again."

"Really?" He grinned in shock.

"I can change my mind if you want me to."

"No no no!" He waved his hands out as his facical expression grew scared.

"What I thought." She laughed before he nervously joined in.

"Anyways, me and April better get goi-- where did they go?" She asks as she looked around their surroundings. "I swear they were right behind us."

"Probably gonna make out. I don't even know anymore." Gabe laughed.


"Well.." She mocked once more.

"I guess you're stuck with me."


Simple but cuuuuteeeeeeee

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