crazy fans | josh p. x reader

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"Y/n, I don't wanna go out. I'm being honest right now." Josh sighs as he takes another quick glance at the crowd of fans forming outside.

"Don't be a baby, they're your fans. They just wanna show much they appreciate you." I smiled, placing my hand on top of his.

"Yeah, but they're rude to you." He frowns.

"Not all of them." I laughed slightly, trying to boost the mood.

"Okay, let's just get this over with." He sighs deeply before grabbing his drink and my hand.

I follow close behind him, hand-in-hand, as we exit Starbucks. His fans immediately crowd us while squealing and Josh instantly pulls me closer to him, worried I'd get lost in the crowd. It's happened once before.

He turns to me with a visible fake smile on his face as cameras started to go off around him.

"Josh! Can I get a picture?!"

"Josh! Can I touch your hair?!"

"Oh my god! Josh! Hi!"

I try and stifle a laugh at the sounds of fangirls freaking out but he clearly didn't enjoy it. Josh loves his fans, don't get him wrong. It's just sometimes he wants to be alone and/or be approached in a more subtle way. Not the way these group of girls did.

"Oh my god!" I hear a girl squeal from behind me.

"Y/n!" I jump at the sound of my name coming from an unknown voice.

I turn around to see who it was only to be dragged by my wrist, away from Josh's hold.

"Oh crap." I said under my breath as I caught my steps from how fast I was pulled.

I find myself infront of a girl just about my height and she had a huge smile on her face.

"Hi!" I greeted with a smile.

"Oh my god! Hi!" She squealed. "I'm so glad I got to meet Josh's girlfriend!"

My smile turns into a grin from how sweet she is and my cheeks flush red.

"You're so sweet." I say. "Want a picture?"

"Yes please!" She jumped, hugging her phone to her chest.

"Okay." I smiled at her reaction before going in for the picture.

She holds her phone out and we take a few cute selfies together. After we were done I gave her a hug and complimented how good her hair smelt. I'm sorry, I'm just that person.

"Tag me in them, okay?" I tell her.


"I'm gonna go back to Josh before he freaks out." I laugh.

"Oh okay." She laughs as well.

We wave bye to eachother and I dive through the crowd of girls surrounding my boyfriend.

"Josh!" I called out hoping he'd hear me.

"Josh!" I called again, but louder.

Still no response.

"Hey!" I was suddenly shoved forward, hitting the girl in front of me.

"Watch where you're going!" The girl turned around and shoved me back, making me fall to the ground.

"It was an accident!" I exclaimed, instantly aggravated by the way she reacted.

I get up and dust my pants, choosing to keep calm in the situation.

"Someone pushed me. I'm sorry if I hit you." I apologize even if I didn't really need to.

"Whatever." She muttered before turning back around.

"Josh!" I called again, completely done with today.

"Hey! Can you shut up?!" A girl yells from behind me and I turn back with annoyance written on my face.

"Are you the one that pushed me?" I asked in disgust.

"Yeah! Because you're so annoying!" She spat as she came close to me.

"Well sooorry, I was just trying to call my boyfriend." I roll my eyes before I turned back around.

"Boyfriend?" She scoffs. "You're so full of yourself."

"What?" I turned back around almost laughing.

"You think Josh is your boyfriend? You're delusional."

I almost laugh at what she says but I try my best to ignore it. Except I end up snickering and I could tell it pissed her off.

"What are you laughing at?!" She suddenly shoves me and my back hits against someone.

"Hey!" A familiar voice shouts.

I look up to see that it was Josh. He looked so pissed. I've never really seen him mad, he was always so nice and sweet.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He yells, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his side.

Her jaw hangs up as she looks down at our hands, she was utterly speechless.

"Are you okay?" He asks with concern, turning to me and cupping my cheek with his free hand.

"I'm okay." I smiled small while squeezing his hand.

The crowd surrounds the scene we had just caused and it was quite nerve racking. His face suddenly filled with rage again before turning back to the girl, who was supposedly his fan.

"Don't ever touch my girlfriend again." He warned before pulling me away from the crowd, leaving her still completely speechless.

"Josh, don't you think you were too harsh?" I ask after 5 minutes of walking.

"No." He shook his head as he stopped on his tracks to look at me. "She freaking hurt you."

"I know bu--"

"No y/n!" I flinch at his sudden change of tone and he instantly regretted it.

"I'm sorry." He frowned, pulling me into a hug.

"I just hate what she did to you. No one should hurt my princess." He kisses my temple before hugging me tight.

I feel my cheeks heat up before I wrap my arms around his waist, "You're too sweet."

"I know." He jokes and I swat him on his back.

We both laugh before we started waddling side to side.

"No one's gonna hurt you again. Especially by any of my crazy fans." He says as he pulls away slightly from the hug. "I promise."

I smile before cupping his cheeks and giving him a quick peck on the lips. His face lights up with a smile before leaving a kiss on my nose.

"That just made my day."


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