careless | julian x reader

652 24 30

holy water needed


It was about 1am when my phone started going off, making me think it was my morning alarm. However, I groan in frustration when I see the time and come to find it was actually Charlizey calling me. What could she probably need from me right now? It's fucking 1am.

I scoff before sliding my finger across the screen to accept the call, unfortunately.

"It's one fucking A.M., Cha--"

"Okay shut up first!" She snaps as I hear music blaring in the background.

The sound hurts my ear so I just set it on speaker and laid back down.

"What do you want?" I groaned again as I tried to get comfortable again.

"It's Julian." She begins.

"What about him?" I roll my eyes.

What could've that idiot done this time?

"He's fucking drunk, and we can't take him home. We all drank." She explains.

I roll my eyes at them for being so careless.

"Why the fuck is he drunk?" I asked, suddenly snapping back into reality.

What caused my best friend to get drunk?

"He just had too much of a good time." She explains further as I force myself up to a sitting position. "Girls are tryna get with him so I suggest you hurry the hell up."

"But why do I--" She ends the call and I slam my hands on my mattress in frustration.

"I'm gonna kill, Julian." I mumble before grabbing my keys and a jacket.

I remember Julian telling me what party they were going to so I knew just where to go without any help. The sound of music blaring greets me as I turn the curb into the party house. My nose scrunches up as I park my car and step out, immediately greeted by the smell of alcohol.

"Fuck this shit." I say under my breath as I scurried inside the house.

I find Char sitting on the couch of the living room with a bunch of our dancer friends but no Julian. Fuck. Was I too late? Did he find a girl to fuck?

"Hey Char!" I yell over the music.

She hears and turns to me with a smile, "You're finally here!"

"Yeah, where is he?" I asked, continuing to scan the room.

"In the kitchen. A chick dragged him in there." She rolls her eyes as I did as well.

"Okay, thanks." I tell her before going off to find him.

"Hey y/n!" An arm suddenly wraps around my shoulders and makes me jump slightly.

"Josh (Beauchamp)? Hey." I say awkwardly.

I could easily smell alcohol on him.

"I like your pj's." He snickers as I did as well.


"What're you doing here?" He slurred, trying to keep himself standing.

"Just looking for Julian." I say.

"Well, he's in there. Making out with some chick." He points at the kitchen.


"We could make out if you want." He suddenly whispers in my ear and I jerk away.

"Yeah, um, no thanks." I start to create distance from him.

"You're such a party killer." He tells me before walking away.

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