C H A P T E R 1

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~ Jasmine's pov ~
*Ugh shut the fuck up" I say, as I hit my alarm clock. I get out from bed and walk straight to the bathroom. I quickly get ready and dressed and head downstairs.

"Ethan give me my phone back" Grayson whines, while Ethan is taking a whole bunch of pictures of himself on Grayson's phone.

Yes, I'm related to the Dolan twins. Sadly.


"Good morning sleepy head" my dad says, not taking his eyes off the tv.

"Good morning dad" I say back.

My mom passed away last year in a car accident, it's been hard for me. It's hard to live in a house full of boys since they barely understand me.

I cook my self some eggs and put myself some orange juice. After I finished eating, I wash my plate, then went up to my room. I decided to post a picture.

@jasminedolan: Love y'all ❤️Comments:Loving

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@jasminedolan: Love y'all ❤️
Loving.jasmine: oml queen 😍
Queen_jas: pls notice me senpai 😩😍🤤
AdoringJas: fucking Stan worthy 🤤🤤

After that, I decided to call my best friend Loren. Yes Loren beech.

"HEY BITCH" Loren says loudly while laughing

"HEY HOE" I say back, louder than her.

"Wanna go to the mall today ?" Loren asks. "I'm very bored" she says

"Sure. I'll pick your fatass up in 15 minutes" I say

"Okay. See ya, love ya bitch" loren says

"Bye bleachface, love ya too" I say back and with that I hang up.

I grab my phone and my mini backpack and pack all my necessities in there. I head back dowstairs.

"And where do you think your going missy ?" Grayson asks, in a serious tone

"Are you gong out with your boyfriend ? Do you have a boyfriend ?" Ethan asks

Ugh, why do they have to be so overprotective

"No dumbfucks, I'm going to the mall with Loren" I say, clearly annoyed

"Okay go" Ethan says. "But don't talk to us like that you dumb rat" Grayson says

I run out the door. "Bye dad". He was sleeping. Oh well.

I get inside my car and turn it on. I start to drive towards Loren's house. It was only a couple of blocks away from mine.

I start to dial Loren since I was almost there. She finally picks up after the 3rd ring.

"Hey ! I'm bringing Luna with us cause she was bored too. Is that alright ?" Loren ask. I could hear Luna's annoying laugh in he background.

Ugh fml

As you can see, I don't really like luna. She just gives me a bad feeling and she always looks as me with these bitchy faces. But I don't wanna be mean.

"Sure, but hurry up" I say

"Okay" Loren says, then hangs up.

Loren and luna come out, laughing. Loren gets in the car and sits next to me, while luna sits on the back.

"Hey Loren, come sit next to me, I wanna show you some funny videos I found" luna says

Her voice is so irritating Jesus Christ

"I'm gonna sit here. I wanna play some music. I'll sit with you when we come back from the mall, if ya want" Loren says while looking down on her phone, opening the Spotify app.

"Okay" Luna says, while giving me a death glare and rolling her eyes.

Well this is gonna be fun

I have nothing against luna, I freaking adore her, so don't hate me pls. Andddd, if the sentences are in italics, that means that their Jasmine's thoughts.

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