C H A P T E R 6

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~Joey's pov~

Today is the day I'm gonna break up with luna. I'm actually kinda nervous on how she's gonna react. But after that, I could finally date Loren.


I saw the caller id

It was Luna.

I groaned in annoyance

"Hi babe ! Whatcha doing today ?" She asked in an annoying innocent voice

"Um, actually we need to talk" I said

"Ok, what about ?" She asked in a worried tone

"We need to break up" I said. I felt a huge weight release off of my chest.

"Ok, I never loved you anyways" Luna said giggling while hanging up

What the fuck

That was easier than I expected

I decided to call Loren

"Hey sexy" Loren said. I could tell she was smirking.

"Hey I broke up with luna" I said while smiling at the thought

"Ugh finally. I don't know how you could Stand that annoying bitch" Loren said with annoyance

"Says the one who hangs out with her all the time" I said laughing

"It's better than hanging out with Jasmine" Loren said

But Jasmine is nice

"I would actually rather much hang out with Jasmine" I truthfully said

"Okay yea whatever. Can I come over ?" Loren asked

"Yes. Please." I said excitedly

"Okay. Be there in 20" Loren said while hanging up


I haven't talked to Jasmine in a long time. I'm gonna text her.

Jasmine 😍 (Jasmine- bold)

Hey jas !


I broke up with Luna.

Really ! Why ?

I just didn't like her. I actually like Loren. Do you know if she likes me back ??

Oh.. no sorry. Um I gotta go. Bye.

Oh I'm okay. Talk to ya later.

Yea sure I guess


Well that was weird. She didn't call me hoey like she always does. It's probably nothing.

~Jasmine's pov~


Joey likes Loren. My bestfriend.

I knew that he was never gonna like a girl like me. I mean, Loren has it all. Oh well

Hey ! Maybe I should hang out with hunter. Let me see if he wants to hang out.

Hunta 👽 (bold- hunter)

Hey hunter ! Wanna hang out today ?

Um sure. Wanna go get ice cream ?

Yea. Sounds good. What time ?

Um how about In an hour ? I gotta take care of ashton first.

Who's Ashton ?

Um, who's Ashton ? And sure :))

Oh yea I never told you about my brothers. I have 2 brothers, Brandon and Ashton :))

Oh that's cool. I also have 2 brothers, Ethan and Grayson 🙄

The Dolan twins ??


Oh that's cool

Not that much haha

Haha. See ya later jas ❤️

Haha bye hunner ❤️

Don't call me that

What ever you say, hunner ;))

Hunter I'm sorry

Hunter I'm really sorry. Pls forgive me :((

Okay just because I like you

You what ?!

Uh nothing. Bye.

Haha bye hunter


I actually think I like hunter too.
Just a filler today guys. Hope y'all enjoyed. What do ya think is gonna happen next ? ;))

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