C H A P T E R 12

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~Jasmine's pov~

"well....." joey said nervously

"well what ?" i asked

"i'm thinking of breaking up with loren" he said quietly

"why ?" i asked

"i feel like she's cheating on me" he said looking down at his feet

who would cheat on joey ?! that bitch is messed up

i put my hand on joeys shoulder and he looked up at me

"joey, who would cheat on you ? you're and amazing person who deserves the world. she doesn't deserve you, you deserve better" i said looking into his eyes

we just stared at each other in silence. it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a nice silence. we just stood there like idiots until he pulled me in for a hug

"i love you" he whispered into my ear

i love you more

"i love you too hoey" i said giggling

we pulled out of the hug and walked back. i sat next to hunter and joey sat next to loren. he was telling her something. i think it was about the breakup shit, but she didn't seem to care. after they finished talking, joey glanced at me and gave me a small smile. i could tell it was fake. i gave him a reassuring smile and looked at hunter.

"are you okay ?" hunter asked

"yea i'm okay" i smiled

"okay" he smiled back

his smile was so beautiful


it was time to go. i started walking to the car with hunter. he was gonna sleep over at my house.

"hey jasmine" joey said running towards me

"yes ?" i asked turning towards him

"can i talk to you for a sec ?" he asked

hunter looked at me

"go to the car, i'll be there in a few" i said

"okay" he said and walked away

"um what did you want to say ?" i asked looking at him

"i know i should have said this before but, will you be my girlfriend" he asked grabbing my hand. i of course grabbed it back

"yes" i said smiling really big

joey then pulled me in for a long hug.

shit. hunter.

i pulled away from the hug

"i gotta blast" i said

"okay. i'll call you tomorrow. i love you" he smiled

"love you too" i said back. i wasnt ready to say i love you.

i walked to hunters car smiling

~Hunter's pov~ (surprise.... again 😉)

i was planning on asking jasmine to be my girlfriend tonight. i finally got the courage. i like her, a lot. i just hope she says yes

~Jasmine's pov~

we pulled up at my house and got out of the car.

"there's nothing to cook so wanna order a pizza ?" i asked while opening the door and walking in

"um sure. i'll a pizza and you could pick a movie to watch" hunter said walking inside

"okay" i smiled

hunter ordered the pizza and i picked a movie. i picked mean girls cause i love that movie. it gives me life.

we sat down at the couch and started watching the movie while we waited for the pizza. we were 20 minutes into the movie.

"hey jasmine ?" hunter asked nervously looking at me

"yes hunter ?" i asked turning to him to make eye contact

"will you be my g-g-girlfriend ?" hunter asked looking at me


"um hunter i can't" i said

his face dropped. i felt so bad

"may i ask why ?" hunter asked with sadness

"i'm dating joey" i said

"oh" was all he said

the door bell rang signaling that the pizza was here

well that was awkward

hunter got the pizza and paid. i didn't want it to be awkward so i decided to speak up

"hunter, you didn't have to pay" i said grabbing the pizza from his hands

"i wanted to" he said. he still had sadness in his voice

"we could still be friends ya know" i said looking at him

hunter looked into my eyes

"more like bestfriends !" he yelled

i laughed

life is good....so far
it finally happened y'all !1! joey finally grew the balls to ask jasmine. i might update again later bbygrills ;))

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