C H A P T E R 22

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~Joey's POV~

there's only 2 weeks left until we go back on tour. i'm pretty excited to see the idiots again

jasmine & i hang out almost everyday. isabella keeps texting me but i just ignore the messages.

i told charles that jasmine & i were good again. he's still a little mad about the whole isabella situation, but i told him there was nothing to worry about

i was gonna hang out with the gang today (luna, jasmine, sophia, joey, charles & aaron)
we were going to the beach

i got up from my bed & changed into my swimsuit. after that, i went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a snack. i saw sophia

"hey soph" i said waving at her

"fuck off" sophie said & walked away without making eye contact

"bitch" i muttered

i grabbed a granola bar & went back to my room

i turned on the tv & started watching stranger things

~Jasmine's POV~

i was putting on my bathing suit since we were going to the beach today

luna was with me. she was also putting on her bathing suit

"i'm still don't agree to the joey thing" luna said with a serious tone

"lunes, joey isn't gonna hurt me" i said with a reassuring smile

"if he does i swear-"

"luna blaise. stop." i laughed

"okay" luna laughed along

"soph is probably happy cause charles is coming" i said winking


we both burst into laughter


~Joey's POV~

we were on our way to the beach

i can't wait to see jasmine in her bik-

"joey ! we're here" charles said shaking me

"oh sorry" i said

we got out of our uber

"thank you" we all said at the same time

"JINKS" aaron yelled out

"shut up aaron" luna said

we all laughed. we continued to look for a good spot to put our stuff. suddenly, i saw isabella. i wasnt sure if it was actually her so i looked away. soon, i saw a girl running towards me


it was isabella...


cliffhanger ;))

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