C H A P T E R 32

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jasmines pov

i'm in my hotel room, alone, since no one wants to hang out with me

i've tried calling joey but he ignores me, he could at least tell me he's busy or something

i grab my phone and go to my contacts

luna tuna

i hit call and she picks up after a while

"hey lunaaaa, whatcha doing?" i ask and start to play with my hair

"i'm our right now at chipotle with mark" she says

"thomas?" i ask

"obviously" she giggles

i don't really like mark, he's always looking at me with a smirk

"oh" was all i said

"wanna hang out when you're done?"

"sure, i'll go to your hotel room" she says, i hear laughing in the background

"okay" i smile

finally, i have someone to hang out with


after a while of watching netflix, i get hungry. i remember seeing a vending machine out in the hallway. it's full of chips and candy. the though of that makes my stomach growl. i get my lazy ass up, put on my slippers, and head out the door

while walking towards the vending machine, i'm looking down on my phone, on snapchat looking at other people have fun. i hear laughter form not too far away. i get curious and distracted, so i look up. i see joey and another girl making out in the hallway

my heart breaks. again.

luckily, they don't see me, so i quickly hide behind a big ass plants that's behind me.

they're literally sucking each other's faces off. i start to cry, but i try not to so that they wouldn't hear me. but i can't help it. they stop and head inside their room while laughing.

i get out from my hiding spot and run to my room while crying

i guess my hunger went away

joeys pov

i've been texting he girl form the chicago show all day. her name's ashley, she's actually pretty cool. she asked if i wanted to hang out today, and i couldn't turn her down, but i had to turn jasmine down. i obviously felt bad, but i really wanted to hang out with ashley

we met up at a little café that was near the hotel. when i first saw her, she looked hot

"hey joey" she winked

though she did look beautiful, her face was caked with makeup. it all looked unnatural, it wasn't like jasmines.

"hi, what's up" i smile

"nothing much, i'm so happy i get to see you again" she says and starts to twirl her hair

"haha, same" i say

things start to get awkward so i just go up to he cashier and order a coffee

while i'm waiting, ashely hugs me from behind. it instantly reminds me of jasmine.

i start to think about jasmine so much, that i actually start to say her name under my breath.

ashley gets closer to me

"that's someone you won't think about tonight" she whispers

she backs up a little and smirks

"small coffee for joey" the barista says out loud

i go up to him and say thanks

i start to sip on my coffee

"can i have some?" ashley asks

i don't wanna be mean, so i just nod my head and hand it over to her

she grabs it and finishes it all in one gulp. my eyes get wide since i'm shook

fuck, i payed 5 dollars for that shit

she hands me the coffee back, well the coffee cup. the place where you drink from is covered in lipstick. i cringe in disgust.

i look at her and smile

"come on, let's go to your hotel" she smirks

i just shrug

when we get to the hotel lobby, ashley pushes me against the wall and looks both ways to make sure no ones watching. she kisses me, roughly. her lips are all dry. i try to pull away, but man, she's strong as fuck. she pulls me away from the wall and pushes me against another. she continues to kiss me. as much as i wanted to stop, i couldn't. it's as if i were under this spell of hers.

we went up the elevator to get to my room. once we got out, we started kissing again. she started to rub my member down there, and it obviously started to get hard. she started to laugh.

at the corner of my eye, i saw a girl walking towards us. i stop ashley real quick to get a better look, but once i turn around, there's no one there. ashely pulls me back in for the kiss.

we stop again and go inside my room. one thing led to another and things escalated quickly.

jasmines pov

i cant stop crying. i really trusted joey. i loved him, but now i feel nothing but hatred towards him.

he told me he loved me, and i believed it

i hear the door open, but i don't look up.

"oh my god, what happened?"

it was luna. she immediately runs up to me and hugs me.

she let's go and wiped my tears

"it was him again, wasn't it?" she asks shaking her head in disappointment

"i should've never trusted him" i croaked

"awh baby, don't worry" luna says and plays with my hair

"but i have some bad news" luna says and looks worried to tell me

i wipe my tears and my face.

"what is it?" i ask and i start poking her

"well, the boys are gonna be with us for the remainder of the tour" luna says looking down

well shit

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