C H A P T E R 2

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~Jasmine's pov~
Loren, Luna and I made it to the mall. We went into a bunch of stores. It was alright, surprisingly luna didn't make any faces to me.

"Guys I gotta go, my mom called me" luna said with a sad tone

"Okay bye luna. See ya later !" Loren said

"Bye luna" was all I said

Luna then left. Loren and I went to Starbucks to take a little break. After we ordered, we sat at a little table for 2. I took a picture of Loren since she looked so pretty.

@jasminedolan: she's my bestfriend, don't hurt her pls ❤️Comments:Jasmined0lan: friendship goalsLunablaise: we'll see about thatDolanfam: prettyJasmineclothes: Jasmine follows, you should too;)

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@jasminedolan: she's my bestfriend, don't hurt her pls ❤️
Jasmined0lan: friendship goals
Lunablaise: we'll see about that
Dolanfam: pretty
Jasmineclothes: Jasmine follows, you should too;)

I noticed Luna's comment, ignored it. After the Starbucks, we continued shopping.

After a few more hours, we decided to go back to my house.

20 minutes later

We got to my house. I said hi to my dad and annoying brothers.

"Hi Loren" Ethan said, blushing

Eww, love

Ya see, Ethan has a crush on Loren, Loren has a crush on him. I'm not too fond of that, but if they're happy, I'm happy. But he better not break her heart or else I'll kick him in where the sun doesn't shine for him.

"Hey Ethan" Loren said giggling and blushing

"Come on Loren" I said grabbing her arm and dragging her to my room

"Ethan's cute ya know" Loren said while looking down at the floor

"Eww no he's not, he's ugly. I'm hotter than him" I said laughing

Because of how hard I was laughing, I fell off my bed. Loren started laughing her ass off.  Because of how funny her laugh is, I started laughing.

"ETHAN !" I yelled

"You better not tell him anything, I swear Jas." Loren said seriously

"I'm not don't worry" I said laughing

"What ?" Ethan said coming into my room

"Can you take a picture of us please ?" I asked with a puppy face

"Ugh fine" he said without any emotion

We did a few poses, he took a few pictures.

"Thanks loser, you could leave now" I said while looking over the pictures

"Okay. Bye Loren" Ethan said blushing

"Bye Ethan" Loren said back blushing as well

"Hey what about me ?" I said whining

"Fuck off" was all he said and then left.

"Well okay then" I said. Loren was laughing her ass off.

Loren and I were looking for a picture to post. Loren picked one out. I liked it.

@jasminedolan: love you to the moon and back @lorenComments:@bbyjasmine: cuties@loren: we're so cute 💦😩😍@jasminedolan: yes indeed we are ;)) @loren@lorenscuties: love your friendship oml @joeybirlem: check dms baby girl 😍

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@jasminedolan: love you to the moon and back @loren
@bbyjasmine: cuties
@loren: we're so cute 💦😩😍
@jasminedolan: yes indeed we are ;)) @loren
@lorenscuties: love your friendship oml
@joeybirlem: check dms baby girl 😍

"Ooo who's joey ?" Loren asked, smirking

"The fuck, I don't know. Why ?" I asked confused

"He commented on your picture dumbass" Loren said

"Oh, let me check" I said

He actually did. I don't know who he was, so I clicked on his username that lead to his profile. I started looking through some of his pictures.

He's kinda cute

Then my phone vibrated, I got a dm from joey

Dms   (Bold- jasmine )

@joeybirlem: hey you're cute ;))

Thanks :)) you're cute too ig

@joeybirlem: can I get your number cutie ?

Sure. It's xxx-xxx-xxx

@joeybirlem: thanks. I'll text you tomorrow. Bye princess.



I felt butterfly's in my stomach

I don't even know this kid, why am I feeling butterfly's ?

"Who were ya texting ? Was it joey ?" Loren asked smirking.

"Ew Loren you look like a rapist. And no I wasn't texting joey. Just some supporters" I lied

"Okay then" Loren said

After a few hours we went to sleep since Loren called her mom asking if she could sleep over, her mom obviously said yes.

I still couldn't get that joey kid out of my mind

Am I catching feelings for this pretty boy ?
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to update every day :))

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