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~jasmine's POV~

i felt someone shaking me. i slowly opened my eyes

bloody hell

"jas, come on. we gotta board our plane" luna said smiling

i got up & grabbed my backpack & suitcase

luna & i started walking towards the plane


the plane started to go down meaning we were about to land

jasminedolan: can't wait to meet more of you cuties 🌈comments:adoredjasmine: iM MEETING YOU AHSHKAcringegrethan: my fav dolanjoeybirlem: 💛hunterrowland: i like ur hairbabyariel: can't wait to see you !ashtonrowland: ur prettybrandonrowland: asht...

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jasminedolan: can't wait to meet more of you cuties 🌈
adoredjasmine: iM MEETING YOU AHSHKA
cringegrethan: my fav dolan
joeybirlem: 💛
hunterrowland: i like ur hair
babyariel: can't wait to see you !
ashtonrowland: ur pretty
brandonrowland: ashton go do your homework

i saw joeys comment. does he really think we're still together.

trick ass bitch

i rolled my eyes & out my phone away

"when the plane lands we're gonna go meet up with ariel & ari at mcdonalds" luna said while texting someone, most likely ariel or ari

i just nodded my head

i started to think about joey

what if he had never kissed isabella ? what if we were still together ?

i shook the thought out of my mind


luna & i met with ariel & ari.

ariel & i were standing line to order the food

"luna told me about the joey situation. i just want to say that i'm here for you whenever. you deserve way better" ariel said

i pulled her in for a tight hug

"thank you so much" i whispered in her ear


we uber back to the hotel. we walk up to our rooms.

as im walking i spot a wild hunter rowland

"hUNNER ROWBOAT" i yell lifting my arms up & wave them


we run to each other & hug

"i missed you so much" i say happily

"i missed you more gorgeous" he says hugging me tighter

we let go & laugh with each other

luna comes up & gives him a quick hug & says hi. i notice her blush when he says hi back

hunter grabs my hand and tells me he's here. i'm confused. he was about to say something when he hear yelling & footsteps approaching.

we turn our heads and see joey fucking birlem.

i roll my eyes in disgust & begin to walk away

he sees me & runs after me. he's pretty damn fast & catches up to me

"jasmine, i'm so sorry"

"why haven't you answered my calls"

"i miss you"

hunter walks over to me

"dude, back off. leave her alone" hunter says sternly

"make me" joey says

hunter balls up his fists & is clenched his jaw

i really don't want them to fight. i grab hunter's shoulder to turn him around

"hunter it's okay, calm down. i'll talk to him" i say. his face immediately calms down

"okay baby, please be careful" he says and walks away with luna

"thank you" joey says

"shut up"


"i'm sorry about what happened" joey says, finally speaking up

this whole time we've been walking to the park, it has been total silence. we glance at each other once in a while but, other than that, nothing.

i sigh & shrug my shoulders

"i really am jasmine, you deserve a person who makes you feel happy & safe, i make you feel the complete opposite. i'm really truly sorry & i will do anything to make it better" joey says. i can tell he really means it. his eyes are filled with sadness.

"okay joseph, i'll forgive you, but you have to gain my trust back. we can still be friends i guess" i say slightly smiling

i really did miss having joey around.

he hugs me, tightly. he smells really good.

"how about, you and me hang out tomorrow. at the beach, around 2pm ?" joey asks

"i don't know, last time we went to a beach, you kissed someone" i awkwardly laughed

"i promise that won't happen" he said & held out his pinky

i intertwine my pinky with his

"pinky promise" we both say at the same time


cute :)

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