C H A P T E R 19

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~Jasmine's POV~

soph, luna and i were heading to the airport to go back to la. we were in an uber blasting our juicy trap music

*15 minutes later*

we got to the airport and grabbed out bags. we walked inside. we werent in a rush so we took our time.

"im tired" luna whined

"you can sleep in the plane luns" sophia giggled

"but i wanna sleep nowwww" luna said pouting

sophia and i laughed.

"im hungry" i said looking at the fast food places we passed.

"same. taco bell ?" sophia asked raising her eyebrows

"yessss" i said. my mouth started to water. i love taco bell :)

"lets stop by really quick" i said jogging to taco bell while pulling my suitcase. luna and sophia followed behind me

we ordered our food and ate it while we walked to the security thing


we were waiting for the plane. we were all telling stories of our childhood. luna was pretty stupid as a child haha.

we were laughing at lunas story on her first crush

"i remember when joey broke his arm..." sophia said laughing

my smile dropped

"oh my gosh jasmine im so sorry i-i-" sophie said but i cut her off

"its okay soph." i said with a forced smile

"flight to la boarding now" the man talking in the speaker said

"come on guys lets go" i said getting up

luna looked at sophia and sophia looked at me

i gave them a reassuring smile

we walked to the plane. the plane only let 2 people sit together.

"you guys can sit next to eachother. im gonna sleep" i said while putting my luggage away. i sat down and got comfy.

i plugged my earphones in, put my hood up and closed my eyes. i felt shifting next to me

ugh i have to sit next to someone

i heard someone laughing. i was about to tell them to shut up. instead i put my hood down and looked at who was sitting next to me

"JOEY ?!"


~Joey's POV~

charles, aaron and i were heading to the airport. we were going back to la. we were in a rush since we barely landed from our other plane that brought us here

*skip 'till they get on the airplane*

we were now getting on the airplane. it was pretty crowded. i noticed that there was only 2 seats for each row. i looked and aaron and charles who were laughing at something that was probably stupid

"you guys can sit next to eachother. i wanna sit alone" i said smiling at them

"okay. bye pal see ya in a few hours" charles said still laughing

jesus theyre stupid

i looked at my plane ticket to check where i was sitting

20 C. cool

i walked passed a lot of people. i couldnt find my seat. i dont know if i was blind or just stupid.

i saw a plane assistant

"uh excuse me, do you know wher seat 20 C is ?" i asked her and showed her my plane ticket

"follow me this way" the lady said

i followed her to my seat

"its right here" she said smiling at me

she looks like she hates her life

"thank you mam" i said

i put my suitcase away and sat down

as i was sitting down i noticed a girl with a hoodie on. she looked kinda adorable in my opinion

i tried to get comfortable since i was gonna be on this plane for a few hours.

i finally got comfortable.

i felt my phone vibrate

it was a text message from charles


hey pal am i cool yet ?

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hey pal am i cool yet ?

i started laughing. charles is so stupid

pal youre really stupid 😂

the girl next to me took her hoodie off

i looked at her

"JOEY ?!"

"JASMINE ?!" we said almost at the same time

i leaned in to hug her but she moved away

"dont fucking touch me joseph" she said angrily but i saw some sadness in her eyes

"passengers please put your seatbelts on as the plane is now boarding" the pilot said through as speaker

this is gonna be a looong ride


hey pals !1! next chapter is gonna be them on the plane ;)) aaaand im gonna start updating every wednesday and sometimes on the weekends :))

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