C H A P T E R 20

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~joey's POV~

jasmine was still ignoring me. it was getting a little annoying.

"jas please talk to me" i begged her again

jasmine took some earphones out of her bag and plugged them into her phone. she opened up spotify, put on her earphones and completely ignored what i said

sigh i gotta do something

~jasmine's POV~

its hard to ignore joey. i still love him of course, but he hurt me. he ignored me for a long time, so now its my turn

i put on spotify and put on my earphones. i put on whatever playlist and started humming to the tune

i felt joeys eyes on me. i paused my music and took off my earphones

"what do you want joey ?" i asked turning to him

"i want you. i wanna talk to you like old times" joey said

"well guess what joey, things arent like the old times anymore. we arent the same like old times. you ignored me and hurt me, yet you still expect me to talk to you like everythings fine. fuck you joseph" i said and continued listening to my music

joey put his hand on my shoulder

"look jasmine, im really sorry about that. i really am. i dont know what happened to me. i was a dick. but i promise i wont be like that anymore. i love you jasmine dolan. i truly do." joey said looking deep into my eyes

"i love you too joey and ill never stop loving you" i said smiling

joey then kissed me

i missed his lips on mine.

after the kiss i cuddled up against him. i felt really safe in his arms

"im sorry about what i did a while ago" i said playing with his hands

"its okay baby girl. if anything, im the one who should be sorry" he chuckled

"i missed you" i said

"i missed you more" he said


"what ever you say jasmine birlem"

i giggled and drifted off to sleep


short chapter today sorry but awh this was cute

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