C H A P T E R 28

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~hunters POV~

i'm falling for jasmine & i can't stop. she's just so beautiful & kind to everyone. but she still loves joey. i hate him. i don't get it tho, he keeps breaking her heart, yet she always forgives & goes back to him. that's makes me pissed. he doesn't deserve her. i can treat her better than he can.

incoming call: princess (jasmine)

"hi hunner" jasmine said, i heard giggling in the background. i guess she's with luna

"hi jasmine, & let me guess, luna ?"

"correct, there's something i gotta ask you pal" jasmine said

"lun-, ugh wait" jasmine said, i can perfectly picture her rolling her eyes

i hear whispering but i can't make out what they're saying

"sorry, anyways, luna & i, mostly luna, wanted to see if you could hang today" jasmine said. i can hear luna laughing.

"uh sure" i laughed

"okay, great. see you at 1:45" jasmine said & immediately hung up.



btw luna likes you so treat her right :))
& joeys joining us, pls don't get mad


i like luna, but just not like that. i like jasmine. & i knew joey was gonna go, jasmine can never go anywhere with out him.



jasmines POV

"i'm so nervous dude" luna said shaking & scumming through her suitcase to see what to wear

i'm already looking good so there's no need to change, but luna, man that girl really wants to impress hunter. i know hunter doesn't like her like that but i just wanna make luna have a good time today, & i'm pretty sure when he gets to know her, he'll start to like her. he's really sweet & i know he'll treat her good.

20 minutes later

"luna are youuuu doneeee ?" i ask for the 15th time

"yes" she says looking at herself in the mirror

"finally" i say sighing

"wOAH WHOS GIRL" i say yelling & laughing. she looks really good

"hopefully hunters" she giggles

i check the time & it's 1:30

"okay it's almost time to go. let go wait in the lobby" i say while grabbing my backpack & phone

"okay" luna says & starts to follow

we walk down the stairs. we decided to burn some calories for the day.

we get to the lobby & sit on the couches

"so, how's you & joey ?" luna asks

"everything's fine" i say smiling

"has he done anything to hurt you?"


"i swear if that boy tries any-"

"luna, calm down. everything's fine" i reassure her

"okay. hey, where's soph ?" luna asks

"she's flying in tomorrow" i say

"oh, i bet she can't wait to see charles" luna days & begins to laugh. i soon join in. people start looking at us as if we were crazy

i see joey walk up. he plops on the couch next to me & slides his arm on my waist. i blush mad hard

"hi gorgeous, & luna" he says while he smiles at me & then looks at luna & nods his head

"birlem, nice to see you again" luna says nodding her head back

it's pretty awkward between them by joey soon breaks the silence

"so, where are we going ?" he asks

"amusement park !" i say yelling

we all giggle & the awkward silence soon comes back

hunter walks up to us soon after

i see luna's eyes literally pop out

"hey jas, hey lunes" hunter says smiling

luna blushes & says hi back

"hey stud" i say & stand up to hug him

he quickly hugs me back

"ahem, i think we should get going" joey coughs

"oh yea, sorry" i say & begin walking

"how about we take an uber" hunter says

"oh yea, why not !" i say & take out my phone to call the uber

10 minutes later

the uber pulls up & we get in. luna sits by the window, hunter sits next to her, i sit next to hunter & joey sits next to me & it's other window

hunter puts his hand on my thigh. i just thought he put it there because he had nowhere else to put it without being uncomfortable, so i just shrugged it off, but then he begins to rub his thumb up & down slowly.

i look at him & smile. i think he got the hint & took his hand off. i turn to joey & see that he's looking out the window. i smile at his simple that's popping out

i rest my head on his shoulder & he holds my hand.

this boy really know how to make me happy


poor hunter :(

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