C H A P T E R 10

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~Joey's pov~

charles was coming over in a few. in the meantime i decided to watch some netflix. i heard sophie coming down.

"charles is coming over" i said not taking my eyes off the screen

"really ?!" she asked with a big smile

"ouuu someone has a crush" i laughed

"he's cute i ain't gonna lie" she smirked

"hey !" i said i said pretending to have a mad tone

sophia lightly laughed. she went back upstairs. i heard laughing, but it wasn't from sophia. i was about to go upstairs to check on her, but the doorbell rang. i ran to open it.

"hey bro" charles said with a smile

we did a bro hug and he came inside

"bro here's someone upstairs with sophia" i said looking at him

"well then lets go check" he said in a duh tone

we quietly went upstairs to her room. shawn mendes was blasting through he speakers (shawn is daddy af). i quietly opened the door a little, just enough to peek brought it. i saw luna and

jasmine ?

i was confused

how does sophia know jasmine ?

i shut the door. i ran downstairs pulling charles with me

"bro jasmine is in there" i said nervously

"go talk to her" charles said

"but it's awkward between us now" i said

"wait, isn't that the girl you liked ? you commented on her pictures didn't you ?" charles asked smirking

"yes" i mumbles while looking down at my fingers

"ouuu get some" charles said with a big goofy smile

"bro i have loren" i said pushing him lightly

"i don't know about loren man, she gives me a bad vibe" he said all serious

"well you're not dating her so i don't care" i said rolling my eyes

"okay then is it okay if i date jasmine ?" he asked smirking

"bro no" i said with a serious tone

"whyyyy ?" he whined

"cause i don't know. i have mixed feelings with her" i said truthfully

"then why don't you just breakup with loren and get with jasmine. it's obvious you like her." charles said

"i love loren. plus i think jasmine likes hunter" i said sadly

"you don't know that" charles said

"but it looks like it. let's just stops talking about it, please" i said

"okay" charles said

"but i'm gonna go talk to her" charles said fast and ran to sophia's room

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