C H A P T E R 33

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joeys pov

after doing the dirty, ashley and i took a nap. when i woke up, she was still next to me

i'm hungry

i quietly got out of the room and headed to a vending machine that was out it in the hallway

i saw luna putting in a dollar

i sneaked up behind her

as i was about to scare her, she turns around and slaps my face, hard. it starts to sting. i put my hand over my cheek

"listen here birlem, don't even think about getting close to me or jasmine, you piece of shit" luna says while staring dead at me

i just nod and watch her walk away

should i run after her, or not

you know what, i am

i chase luna and soon catch up to her

"wait luna!" i yell

"what" she says, but she doesn't stop, she just keeps walking

"can you stop fucking walking" i ask aggressively

she slowly turns around and she looks furious

i get scared of her expression

"please?" i ask again, calmly

"what now joey?" she asks annoyed

"what did i do?" i ask

she rolls her eyes

"don't give me that bullshit, you know exactly what you did" she says and continues walking

i stand there dumbfounded for awhile, then my eyes go wide

jasmine saw us, she was behind the plant

as soon as i think of that, i run in front of luna

"luna you gotta let me see her. please" i plead

"we don't have time for fuckboys" she says and pushes past me

as she's walking, she lifts up her middle finger towards me

"fuck" i whisper

i quickly take out my phone and go to my messages


jasmine i'm sorry

pls reply

pls talk to me

don't ignore me

stop leaving me on read

i'm coming to your hotel room

now she's leaving me on read


jasmines pov

as i read joeys messages, i begin to cry again

reading his name on my phone makes me picture them kissing again.

i hate him

i love him

i don't know what i think anymore. i wanna hate him and never go back to him again, but i somehow always do

i hear the door creak open. i look up and see luna with some snacks

"hey babes, you okay?" she asks and closes the door

i shrug

"has he texted you or anything?" she asks

i nod my head

she just sighs

"i don't understand boys, one minute they show you unconditional love and affection, and then after a while, they tear you apart" she shakes her head

i sigh

"i wish i could've made him happier" i say and shed another tear

"no, i wish he could've made you happier. that dick doesn't deserve shit. he doesn't deserve you." luna snaps

we hear a knock on the door

luna slowly walks up and looks through the hole in the door

she turns her head over to me

"it's joey" she says and turns back to the door

she slightly opens the door, enough for me to see joey, but i don't hunk he sees me

"where's jasmine?" he asks worried

"that's none of your concern" luna says. she's calm right now, but i know that inside, she's about to snap

"yes it is, she's my girlfriend" he says

i stand up

"ex, joey"

"ex girlfriend" i say and walk towards the door

i step out of the room and he follows behind me

"what?" he says, he looks like he's about to cry, and i feel so bad, but i can't do this anymore

"joseph, do you really think that i'm just gonna let you get away with that? let you break my heart? again? i'm done with you. i gave you another chance, but you took it for granted" i said. i was about to break down, but i surprisingly didn't

"but jasmine, i love you, i really do" he says, and now, he's actually crying. he grabs both of my hands

"joey, i love you too, i really do" i say and look down at our hands. the feeling of his hands with mine feels so right, but i know it's wrong

"but i just can't do this anymore" i say and let go of his hands

"i can't do this anymore"

i walk towards the door again and open it, but i don't go in

i look over at him one last time

"after all, you were just another pretty boy"



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