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~Jasmine's pov~


The one person I didn't want to see, at all


"Eww what are you doing here ?" She asked in disgust

"I came here for my friend" I said rolling my eyes

Sophia ran to the door

"Jasmine ! Hi ! Come in" Sophia said whilst hugging me

"You two know each other ?" Luna asked pointing at us

"Yes of course !" Sophia said

"You guys know each other ?" Sophia asked surprised

"Um yea" I said awkwardly

Why did I agree to this ?!

I awkwardly put my hands in my jean pockets

"Well lets go inside" Sophia said running inside

"Why are you here ?!" Luna asked frustrated

"I could say the same thing to you" I said looking down

"I'm Sophia's friend. I used to come to joeys house when I dated him" Luna explained looking anywhere but at me

"Oh. How about we put everything in the past behind us ?" I asked looking at her

"Why not" she said giggling

We walked inside arm in arm

As we were about to go inside, we heard a car pull up

We both turners around and it was the person who we didn't wanna see

Loren Gray Beech and her boyfriend, the kid who broke my heart, Joseph Matthew Birlem

Luna and I ran inside. Panicking, we told Sophia and she told us to go upstairs in her room and she would be with us in a few

Luna and I ran up the stairs, almost falling because of how fast we were going

~Loren's pov~ (surprise 😉)

Joey and I pulled up to his house

Before, I really liked Joey. When he first commented on Jasmine's picture, I was so jealous. Then when they started talking, I began to hate Jasmine. She always gets everything I want ! So once Joey told me he broke up with luna, I saw that as a chance to date him to get revenge on Jasmine. When we started dating, I told him horrible things about Jasmine that weren't true. For example, I told him that she was only using him for fame. Which is why joey didn't talk to her at the ice cream shop. But now I don't like him anymore, but I still Jasmine so I'm just gonna keep dating him.

I got out of the car at walked to the door. I knocked on it once. Sophia opened the door and walked away not even looking at me.

What a bitch

I just rolled my eyes

"Joey baby, hurry the fuck up" I said frustrated

"Coming" Joey said waking up to me

We got inside

"Sophia !" Joey yelled out

"What ?" Said Sophia while grabbing a big bag of hot cheetos

"Take Loren with you, I'm gonna hang out with Charles for a little" joey said texting Charles

"Umm I have homework that I have to do" Sophia said with a shaky voice

I could tell she was lying

"I could help !" I said in a fake cheerful voice

"Thanks but, no thanks" Sophia said while running up the stairs

"Ughhh I hate you" Joey yelled in frustration

"I just go home. I have stuff to do anyways" I said

"What are ya gonna do ?" Joey asked with concern

"I gotta go do help my mum with something" I said waking away

I wasn't actually lying about me having to do something, I actually do. But not with my mom, I'm doing something with mark. The boy I actually have a crush on. We're gonna go on s little date. He knows that I don't like Joey and that I actually like him.

I kissed joeys cheek and walked out the door
Charles will be in the next chapter bbgs ;)) and sorry for not updating yesterday, I had no ideas on what to write. Hope you enjoyed !

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