C H A P T E R 17

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~Joey's POV~

ever since jasmine left me on seen, i haven't even bothered to talk to her. her leaving me on seen pissed me off.

but then again you do the same joseph

our last stop for the first leg is providence. after that, we take a short break, and then we continue the tour. i'm thinking of staying at charles's house for a little after this show.

oh and did i tell you that soph is also mad me ? yea she's mad at me. i guess jasmine told her everything that happened. i don't really care tho. soph could stay mad at me for as long as she wants. but jasmine in the other hand, can't stay mad at me for a long time. it hurts a little. but i'll get through it, hopefully.

we were currently in the tour bus. we were almost at the hotel. isabella was sitting next to me. we were talking about the most randomest things. she was currently telling me the story of when she broke her arm. i was laughing so hard

"d-did you ac-actually b-break your arm b-by singing h-Hannah mon-montana ?" i said laughing and trying to catch my breath

"yes now stop bullying me" bella said pouting and crossing her arms like a 5 year old

"anything for you baby girl" i said putting my arm around her while trying my hardest not to laugh again

"hey joey.." bella said playing with my fingers

"yes ? i asked looking at her

"what are we ?" bella said looking up at me and making eye contact

i looked away and coughed awkwardly

"u-uh what do you mean by that ?" i asked looking at her again

"well, we act like a couple, yet we're not. why is that ?" bella asked looking away from me and continued playing with my fingers

"well first of all, i'm dating jasmine, you know that" i said looking at her

"but you don't even talk to her anymore" bella said while taking my arm off from around her

"it's not fair that you could just play with my feelings like that hoey"

the only person who ever callled me that was jasmine

man i miss her

"joey, it's either me or her. you choose. tell me by the start if the 2nd leg please" bella said getting up from her seat next to me

"okay" i said looking down

bella then grabbed me by the face and kissed me. that caught me by surprise. but what was even more surprising, is that i kissed her back. bella walked away blushing.

charles was standing here with his eyes wide open. he had a coke in his hand

"bro what has gotten into you ? what about jasmine ? did you just forget about her or what ? i can't even look at you right now" charles said giving me a glare and walked away

great. now not only did i lose jasmine, but i lost my best friend

good job joey

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