C H A P T E R 18

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~Jasmine's POV~

i told soph and luna everything that happened between joey and i. they hate him with passion. i don't even know if we're still dating or not. this is our last stop for the first leg. we're all currently in new jersey. after this i'm going back home to my brothers and dad. i miss them.

i don't know if i want to see joey. i don't even know if i wanna perform with him in one of the shows.

i told charles to keep an eye on joey. i know it sounds crazy but i just wanna know what he's doing with bella. she gives me really bad vibes. charles has told me everything, and i'm heartbroken. i try to not pay attention to it but it just crosses my mind all the time

"hey girly you ready for the show ?" soph asked

"yea" i said looking up at her

"please don't tell me you're thinking about him again" soph says whining

"sorry" i said trying not to cry

sophia then pulls me into a hug

"you deserve way better than my idiot brother" soph says

she lets go

"well enough about me. how's it going with you and charles" i asked smirking

she told me last week about her crush on charles

she rolled her eyes and pushed me softly

"shut upp" she whined

"okay okay" i said giggling

"joey is really stupid for ignoring you ya know" soph said out of nowhere

"i don't know, i would leave me too if i were him" i said truthfully

"i guess i just never made him happy" i said looking down"

"jas don't say that. you're amazing and beautiful. isabella could go suck grandpa balls. you make everyone feel happy and special. joey sucks ass for leaving you for that fake bitch" soph says

"how do you know she's fake ?" i asked confused

"oh well i guess i forgot to tell you" soph says

i nodded my head to let her know to continue

"well, isabella and i used to be best friends. shocker, i know. well since we were best friends, she would come to my house. she would always talk to me about her crush on joey. so when she would come over, she would right away ask for joey. i didn't really like that. so anyways, one of my other friends, a girl that isabella is best friends with still to this day, told me that isabella was only using me to get to joey. she thought that joey was gonna end up falling for her and then date her and isabella would only use him for fame, then she would break up with him. after i was told that, i immediately stopped hanging out with isabella. i didn't bother to tell joey since he didn't even know she existed" soph said

"but i guess he does now" i said sadly

"hey girl, don't think about him. think about other, more positive things" sophia said

"i'll try" i said

the things you do to me joey

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